Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 34. An txpofatton upon the Book. of J o B. Verf. 33. 833 Fifthly , Should therefore God recompence that which man An ¡Veer on hath done according to thine opinion,faying,becaufe thou dillikeft tua opinion this, it is but equail,that thou í1 ouldeft choofeanother and nor I. illdnquad ho- Annd what doeft thou know ? fpeakeman mo fa-Mt di- Sixthly, Mr Broughton renders thus ; Should that come from cendo, &c thee which he willpuntjh ; as thoudoe/I loath, as thou likeft, where I Pifc: would not ? Now /peaks what thou thinkeff. All thefe rendrings may be reduced to this one common fence; O job, whatfoever thoufuffereff, or by what means foever thou art fallen into this mifery, is it fit that God fhould beordered by thy opi- nion and judgement ? And furely, O Job, Imuff tell thee plainly, nor cant thou deny it, that thou haft not reffed norfat down quietly in the determination anddecree of god concerning thee; But thou wouldef rather be chufing and prefcribing to God, how and in what way he fhould dealewith thee, and di(pence hisprovidences to thee" then fatisfie thy felfe in his appoyntments and pleafure. Farre be it fromme, that Ijhould follow thy example, or tread in thy flopsas to thù matter ; yet if thou haft any thing toreply to what Ihave ur- ged, fay onne, bring it forth, let me and all in thy prefence, heart and judge ofit. Thus Elihu poyntsjob to his grand error, that he did nor rea- dily approve, nor quietly fubmit to the Judgement of God in his ovvne cafe. And fo had not fpoken reverently enough ofGod, nor humbly enough of himfelfe. The reafon of thefe various readingsand rendrings mentioned, is theconcifenefs of the Hebrew text, which leaves fome words to be underftood and fupplyed for the compleadng of the fenfe. And becaufe the molt skilfull Interpreters are nor. perfe&ly ac- quainted with the diaie6or manner of fpeech ufed in thole more remote andancient times, therefore theymuff wedsdiffer boil in their tranflations and expofition,, yet ( which may free the reader from all prejudices againl+ the holy Scrirures, either as obfcure or dubious) they all center and ag, ee in thit which is true in it felfe, as alío in the principali fcope and drift of El hu in this difcourfe with job. Having thus given force account of the various trar-:fll.ions of this verfe, I (ball now clofe with the explication of our owne. O0000 Should