Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

$ 4 Chap. 3+ Ass Expoftion upon the Books. of 01B. Verf.3 3, Should it be according to thy mind ? Thus Elihubefpeaks Job ; Should it be ? he doth not fay what, but leaves us to the whole matter, should this,or that, or t'other -purl thing, or any thing be according to thy mind ?. the Hebrew text is btit oneword, which we tranflate , according to thy mind, or, as. Phan ex ti:o thou wouldsi have it ? fhould it be from thee ? that is fhould God conftlio et arbi- take counfell or diresion from thee ? or gee to thee asanOracle teats rependet a iludfc: bonunt to be taught which way to,deal with thee,or with anyman elfe ; 'elmalum, fed should it be from thee ? The matterwhich Eli infilts upon, re de maloproprie fpeRs the difpenfations of God;So his meaningis,fhould God cut accipio. Men: out the workes of hisprovidence according to thy order ? lhould God reward, or fould God punish ?shouldGod fet up,or thould God pull down? fouldGod bring trouble, or lhould God caufe peace according to thy mind ? muff he needs askcounfell of thee, . before. he proceed toany of thefe.refolutions? no Hewill`recompence it whither thou.refute., or whether thou chufe. The former part of the verfe , is a queflihn or Interrogation,. Should it be according to thymind? He willrecompence,&c. That's the anfwer ; and it containes both a negative and an affirmative, he will not doe according to thy mind, but he will doe accords b ;130212)1 a to his own ; Hewill recompencett. radio. O170 The verb.liignifies to pay, or appeafe,and make quiet, and the reafon why the fame word fignifieth paying, or recompencing,and peace, is becaufe where payment is made , peace is obtained, where recompence is given, there quietnefs is fetled; He will,' recompence, or he willpay, that is, give out and diftributé in his providences as he pleafeth. whether thtu chafe, or whether thou refufe. There are two fpeciall aas.ofthe will,., chuing and refùfi g ; and thefe two are Intrinfecail and Efllentiall ro the will ; as the proper a& of the underflanding is to apprehend, and then to af- 17 denotat lent ; fo,.upon thole reprefenrations which the underflanding "care cum fa- makes to the will,the will doth either tefufe or chufe.Further,the fat lio tanquant word which we here tranflate to refufe , lignifies more then that vileet cstemp- fimple a&of the will, it lignifies to refufe with akind of difdain uuta,quid.,. and:.