Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 34. An Expojtion upon the Rook, of J o B. Verf. 3 3.. and great difgufl ; to refufe a thingas altogether unworthy to be received ; or to refute a thing as being much difpleafed and bur- denedwith it. Eliphaz ufeth this word ('Chap $.17. )Defnfe -thou not the''chaflening-of the Lord ; that is,doe not-refute it with a diflike, or as a thing that is grievous and naufeous to thee. That which is contrary toouí appetite, the flomack refufeth and vo- mits it up againe ; fuch a force there is in this word , he Will re- compence ir, 'whether and how much foever rhos refufe or whether thou chufe. He puts that in, to fhéw that it is neither the refufall of man that flops God, nor is it the choyce of man that brings God onne 'tohis worke , hewill proceed purely from himfelfe ; he will re- compence whether thou refufefl., or whether thou chufe, and not I. As if he had fayd, it is God that will doe it , it is God that will bring this upon thee, and not ; that's the fenfe of our read- ing ; But according to other readings, andnot I, referrs, to thou doe thou refufe or chufe whether thou wilt obey the difpenfation or no, for mypart I will not !land upon thofe termes withGod, but referre my felfe wholly to his difpofe. From the words thus opened ( Should it be according to thy mind ? &c. Obferve ; Firfl. (Man would have every thinggee according tohis mind. He would have his mind the meafure bothof all that he is to doe for God ; and of all chat God cloth tohim. We love to doe äl1 things according to our own minds, and we love to have all things done according to our own minds. Man naturally would doe nothing according to Gods mind ; nor would he have any thing done to him according toGods mind , unleffe it accord with his owne too. The Apoflle ( Rom: S. 7.) proclaimes that Innate Enmity that is in the heart of all men naturallyagainfl the mind and will of God ; Thewifdome of theflefh is Enmity againfl God : It is not fubjell to the Law of Clod , neither indeed' canbe ; that is, while a man remaines flefh , or in an unregenerate flare, -he is altogether at enmity againfl the Law of God ; -both a- gainil what God appoynts him to do, & againfl what he appoynts 00000 2. him 83S