836 Chap. 34. An Expefation upon the Boon, of J o B. Verf.33 him to fuffer.Man equally rifethup in his thoughts,and rebells a- gainft both.And as this enmity loth remaine whole and unbroken in all menby nature, till they are renewed by grace and borne a- gaine;fo there are remainders ofir,even in thofe who are renew- ed by grace ; there is fomewhat of this oppofition againff God in every godlyman; he would fainhave things goe according to his mind and he hath much of this mind in him ; I doenot fay, a godly man woulddoenothing according toGodsmind, that's, the naturali :Hans frame ; but a godly manwould very fain have God doe things according to his mind, asmay appeare, efpecially in feure things. Firf} ,. He would have God reward, or doe good both tohim- felfeand others, according to his mind ; He would have God lift up chafe whom he would have lifted up, andpreferre thofe whom he would have preferr'd ; he would faine have God thew' favour to or beftow favours upon thofe whom he favours. Seconcly As topuni Ihment and Judgement, he would bave God punith according to his mind ; fuch a manis proud, he is an oppreffor, he is an oppofer of goodneffe and goodmen, therefore he would have the handof God heavy upon him, tocart him down out of hand, or without delay. Thirdly , He would have Godgoe according to his mind in chafining and affli&inghimfelfe ; though he would not be totally uncorreIed, yet he wouldhave Godcorre& him only in fuch a kind, in fuch a manner and meafure as he wouldchufe ; he dull not refufe'chaffening,but he would be chaffened in what himfelfe pleafeth, or in his ovine way. He faith in his heart, if God would corre&me in this or that , I'could bear it, but I doe not like to be corre&ed in fuch a thing, or in fuch a way ; one faith, if God would finite me in my Efiate I could bear it, but not in my bo- dy ; Another faith, if God thould finite me with fickneffe,Icould bear it, but not inmy Children ; or let theafflielion be what God pleafeth, if Godwould aflli& me but thus much, or thus farre, in . fuch adegree, I could fubmit, but my heart canhardly yeild to thismeafure ofaffliaion. Thus we would have it according to our minds, as to the meafure, as alto for the continuance of our affl- Lions. We would be corre&ed for fo long, for fo manydayes, but tohave months of vanity,andyeares of trouble, this isnot ac- cording toour mind.. Fourthly,.