Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 34. An Expofation upon the Book, of Jo B. Verf.33 837 Fourthly, He would have God govern ( not only himfelfe but) thewhole world according to his mind : Manbath much, of this in him, he would have God order nations ashimfelfe and other men like himfelfe delire. Some one man would prefcribe and di- reawhat God ( hould doe, andhow he 4hould doe to all men. Luther writ to Melanchton when he was fo exceedingly troubled at the providences of God in the world ; Our Brother Philip is to Admonendus be admonifht , that he wouldforbear governing theworld ; we can eft Philippa hardly let God alone to rule that worldwhich himfelfe alone hath ut defrnat mun- made ; Should itbe according to thy mind ? to this mans mind, of duìn reger".. that mans mind ? it muff not be as it is; if every man might have his mind , he would govern and rule the world in another way then God doth. There is fcarce any Goodman that is fatisfied in the government of particular nations , if he might have his mind, he would cal+ things into another mould and method then the providence ofGod hath cal+ them in at this day. Yea, 'cis fel- dome, that it either raines or (nines according to our mind ; The weather which God is pleafed to fend, whether wet or drys fayre or foule, rarely pleafeth us. Secondly, When Ei:bu' faith , Should it be according to thy mind ? This quellion implyeth a (irongNegation; certainly, it should not. Hence note. rü befide the duty and above the line ofman to defre that things fhould be according to his mind, either with himfelfe or with others. - There's nothing more againl+ the mind of God, nor againl+ our owne good, then that all things fhould be according toour mind ; we mayquickly undoe our felves and dishonour God by, having our owne delires. And that it is finfull, very finfull to de-- fire tohave our owne defires, may appease , by confidering.the fpring or mote of fuch defires, I (hall (hew a three-fold very e vil( roote fromwhence chore defires fpring. Firl+, They fpring frompride and an over- weening conceit of our felves ; and that upon adouble account ; Firfl, frompride as toour deferts .; for if God doe fuch mengood , they are apt to think they have deferved more good, then God hathdone them ; andif Cod a(flia them, they are ready to fay ,; furely they have nor.