Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

_$38 Chap. 39., An Expojition upon the I3ookof f o B. Verf.3 z9 not deferved fo much aífi&ion.We think we have deferved gréa- ter kindness then God exhibits ; and that we have not defer- ved o.great a erode as he infli&s. Is not this a great piece of pride? Againe, Thefe delires fpring frompride in our ownwifdome underflanding;as if we knew how CO order matters more equal- ly then God. Is it not a huge piece of pride,of luciferian pride, to thinke that there might be abetter meafure of things then the mind of God is ? doth not fuch a man make himfelfe wifer then God ? and moreprudent thenGod ? doch not he fuppofe, that he fees further into things then God ? when as alas we cannot feean houre before us, but Godbath the profpe& ofall things,He feeth the endfrom the beginning , and bath all in hiseye from all Eter- nity. When we thus make our felves wifer then God, is not this ahigh'poynt of pride ?.Here's the farff evill roote of defiring to have thingsaccording to-our mind, pride , or an opinion that we deferve better, or could order things better. Secondly, Thefe delires proceed as from pride, fo from dlr.- content with the dealings of God, and 'cis pride that fills us with .difcontent; he that would have things according to hisminde, muff ne.edsbe disfatisfied when they are nor. Thirdly, when they fpring not from dire& difcontent,yet they do from fame degree of impatience. There isnot fucha quiet- nefs of fpirit or acquiefcenceas should be in the heart of man, o- rherwifehewould let things'be according unto Gods minde, and never be troubled, whenthey arenot according tohis own. Now confider what can fpring from there three roots, Pride, Difcon- tent, and Impatience, but very evil andbitter fruit; therefore, to defire to have things according to our mind is very finful,exceed- jaw finful. Thirdly, This quef}ion, Should it be according to thyminde ? - implyeth a (harp rebuke and a reproof upon job, .as defiring .a thingwhich was altogether againfi rule and reafon. Hence Note. It is meunreafonable and abfurd, to defire that things Amid be ordered as we wouldhave them,andnot ar God would have them. Is it notunreafonable in family that things fhould be as the children