Chap. 34 An Expofstion upon the Boob, of j o s. Verf. 33. 839. childrenwould have them, and not as the Father would have them ? Or, that thugs fhould be done according to the minde of the fervants, and not according to the minde of the Mager ? Do not the Magifirates and Governours of the world think it an unreafonable thing that Nations Should be governedaccording to the windeof Subjects, and not according to the minde of the Prince, regulated according to the knownLaws of the Nation ? Who doth not think it an unreafonable thing, that a journey fhould be difpofed accordingto the minde of the Horfe, and not according to the mindeof the Rider ? Should the horfe guide the Rider, or the Rider his horfe ? Is it not an unreafonable thing that a mans fenfe fhould guide his underfianding, when his un derfland'tng is given on purpofe to guidehis fenfe ? Is it not an unreafonable thing that paflion fhould order reafon, when as rea- fon Should be the bridle of our paflion ? Is it not an unreaona- ble thing that unlearned ignorant men fhould teach the knowing, when the learned & knowingare fet up to teach the ignorant? and is it not much more abfurd and unreafonable for us, to delire that things fhould be according to our minde, either with our felves or others, families, or Nations, and not according to the minde' ofGod ? Should things be as the bell, as the wifell, as the ho- lyeft men in the world wouldhave them, andnot as God would have them ; it were more abfurd and unreafonablethen that chinos fhouldgo in a family according tothe minde of the fervants and children, rather then according to theminde of the Matter and Father ; yea it weremore abfurd then anyofthofe fore-mention- ed abfurdities. Should it be-accordong toothy minde, O Yob ? how' unreafonable a thing were that 1 Fourthly, From thofe words, Ilewill recompence it, whether-' thou refefe, or whether thou chufe. Note. God will not yeild tomen, norbefubjell to their.pleefiere. God will do what he pleafeth,as I may fay,in fpight of any mans teeth. Things muff pafs in fuch'a way as God bath appointed, and' fees meet to difpofe of them ; and not as we would have them. Ilewill recompence : God is refolute for the doing of his own will; and men are ufually over-refolute for the doing of theirs ; and itdeed Tomeareas it werewholly changed intawill,or rather wiles fulnefs;