F------.... 84o Chap. 24. An E.xpoftien upon the ßoolcof J o B Verf. 33. fulne,s, they will do this, and they will do that ; they will have this, aed theywill have that,Men may quickly,but God cannever ac`t too highly,,00 flrongly,tooconfidently upon his own will; the reafon is, becaufe his will is an holy will,and the rule ofrighteouf- neis. Only Confider from thewhole. Man is never drfpleafed with what God doh, tid heforretteth what himfelf is. Man forgets that he isaworm, and noman, he forgets that he is acreature, he forgets himfelf to be duff and aches, elfe his fpirit wouldnot be wroughtup to filch a height, to have things go according to his minde, andnot according to the minde and will of God. And feeing God will have every thing go according to his minde and will, know there'sno (hiving nor firugling with God ; if man will not bow to the will of God, he (hail be broken by the will of God : if he will not fubmit to it,he muff fall by it.There's no avoiding oneof there two, for he will recompense, Therefore let us yeild upcur felves freely toGod, tobe ruled by him, and not fet him the rule, no nor fo much as give him advice ; let us receive the Law, and take advice from him. God is our Comman- der, but we muff net be fo much as his Counsellors. The Apofile (peakingof the eternal , urpofes and decreesof God, faith (Rom, 11. 34.) Who loath been his Counsellor ? As God had none to counfel him concerning his eternal purpofes, fo we ,Huff not ad- venture tocouufelhim as tohis daylie providences or difpenfati- ons, either toward our felves, or others ; the true rule of our life is, to yeild our felves tobe ruled by God. Hewill recom- pense it, whether we chufe, or whether werefufe. andnot I. As if he had laid, If thou wilt flruggle with the will of God, thou mayefi, but I will not. God will go his own way, and do as he feesgood, fay thou what thou canfl, or howfoever it pleafe or elifpleafe thee. And for mine own part, I dare not entertain or give way to a thought of prescribing to him in any of r hefe things, what he fhoulddo; no nor be unCatisfied with, much lets cenfure, what he bath done. Therefore, if thou can+ acquit thy feif of this crime and accufation which I have laid to thycharge, as