Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 3 . An Expoftaon upon the Bookof J o B. Verf. 33. 841 as thou did(}theirs who fpekebefore, do it, fay what thou can(it for thy felf. Hence Note. He thatfeesanother do amifs, ought to take heed ofdoing the like hirnfelf. Again,As there words, andnot I, refer to the Word recompence, ale will recompence, whether thou chufe, or whether thou refufe the meaningof themmay be conceived, as if Elihu had thusbe- fpoken Job , If thou doff' (mart for thy pride, and the height of thy fpirit, if God pay thee home for it, do not lay thefault upon me ; Ihave given thee counfel to direbt thee better, I defire not thouflout- dell come underfuch a handling, but certainlyGod will do it. When we have declar'd the mindeand will of God, in the feverity of his judgements upon {inners, it is good for us to fay, God will do it, and not we. The Prophet Jeremiah (chap. 57. 16.) having warned them of an evil day, addes, Nor have I defired the woful day, Lord thou knowefl it Jeremy had Ipoken woful things again(+ that people, but (faith he) I have not defired that woful day, though I have prophefied of it. So elihu feems to fpeak, he will recompence, and not I ; though it benot in my minde, yet I of fare thee'tis the mind of God. Yet further, Some read thefe wordswith the former as an In- terrogationor rebuking queflion madeby God himfelf ; what ? Should you chufe, and not 1 ? Election or choice iv mypriviledge,not thine, thou muff not think toprofcribe to me. I will chaflen and Verba Dei ¡.e of f iii, as I think far, or according to my own will, not accordingM mefeelfe to thine. Thus he brings in God fpeaWng to Job; thou fàndefl thy felf much aggrieved , and complaineft that thou are afflict- ed more then is meete ; 1r (hadfeem then, that. I muff do what thou thinkeft fat, not what I thinkfit my fe'f. Surely thou maf give me the rule, how much, how long, and in what mannerI muf correil both thyfelfand others. Should you chufe, and not I How un- comely ! Thereforefpeakwhat thou knoweft. Here Elihugives Job ime to reply, as he had done (ar the 3 chap. verf. 5.) as if he had faid, If thou kowe¡l any thingaping what Ihavefpoken, crart able tomake anyobieïtionaga'nft at,fpeak; Ppppp if