Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

84 Chap. 34. An E.'.poption upon the look, of J o B. Verf.34. if thou thinkefi I have not fpoken right, Chewme my errant, naou*, d fpare not. Hence Note, Fire ; 74ken wehave declar'd what we judge to be the minde ofGod in a,y cafe, wefhouldgive others libertyof fpeaking their minds e.lfo. This is my opinion,fpeak what thou canaagaint it ; we (hould fpeak (2 Cor. 1. 24.) Not a havingDominion over the faith of others, but as helpers of their joy; The Minifters of Chrift mull fpcak as Servants ro, not as Lords of the faith of others. Elihu did not carry it as a Lord over the faith of fob ; but left him to make good his own opinion and praetife ifhe could.. SecondlyNote. Knowledge is the fountain ofSpeech. We need no other light to fpeakby then that of reafor.,, the undertanding fhould feed the Tongue ; we mull not fpeak at a venture, but keep to Rule and take our ayme. The ApoRle Taal tells us of fouie who make a great noife, but knownot what they fay,nor whereof they affirm (i Tim: 1.7.) they fpeak they under- hand not what, andvent what they cangiveno account of; Speak, what thou knowefl> Thirdly Note. Wefhould jpeak,(whettcalled ) what weknow. Knowledge is a Talent, and mutt not be hid in a Napkin ; if . thou knowbetter then I fpeak,pray fpeak, donot hide thy know- ledge. As Elihuwould have fob fpeak in his own cafe, fo hein- viteth others to fpeak about hiscafe, as it followeth in the next eerie. Verf. 34. Let men of Vnderflanding tell me, &c. In this 34th verfe elihu turns his fpeech to yob's friends a- gain,prefuming of,or not queflioning their content to what he had laid, being confident that himfelf was in the right, and that they were wife enough to apprehend ir. He was perfwaded that all wife men eitherwere, or (upon hearing the matter) would be of his minde,, and that therefore what fob had fpoken, was very?