Chap. 34. An Expofition upon the Bookof J o E. Verf. 34. very defe&ive of wifdome, as he concludes in the thirty-fifth verfe. Let men of und:rjlanding tell me, &c. He appeales to fobs friends, or any other men ofunderffanding : let them ( faith he ) Confider what I and he have fpoken, and Vri cordis .e. give their judgement impartially concerning the whole matter cord.ti;cor no- tat a ienriaro in debate between him and fob. Let men of tenderflanding yell et I ére cor me, &c. dicitur qui de- TheHebrew is, men ofheart : the heart is the feat of Lander- fcipit. ftanding, according toScripture language, there we read of a wife cum lobo non heart, and of anunderhanding heart ; and it faith of a foolish or putat ampliw indifcreete perfon, he bath no heart ; he is a man without a heart. Pd Üqtt m. Ephraias is a filly dovewithout a heart (Hof: 7. t r. ) that is, he ebuare v:ros doth not underhand. Mr Broughton tranflates ; Sad men ofheart voce inteLi- will fpeake as I, and the wife perfon that heares me. As in the for- gentes. Sand. mer part of the verfe Elihu called for fpeakers ; fo in the latter he Et vir fipiens calleth for hearers; Let men ofunderflanding tell me, audir. i.e. an- diet me, etmihi And let a wife man hearken to me ; oras force render, a wife aequiefcet in manwill hearken to me. hoc. Mere: The word rendred hearken, fignifies more then to heare , even to fubmit, to obey, a wife man will hearken to me ; that is,he will aflènt to, and content with me; he will vote with me, and declare hirnfelfe to be of my mind. In that Elihu appealed to wife and underfianding men. Note , Firfi. It is not good toflood to our owne Jndgements altogether, in dealilhg with the Confciences of others. Let wife men, let men of underfianding, heare and confider the matter, let them fpeake their minds ; we fhould not leave to nor rely upon our owne underfianding in the things which con- cerne our felves only,much leffe in thofe;wherein others are con- cerned more then our felves. Eyes fee more then an eye. And though it be anargunent of too much weaknefs to fee withother mens eyes ; yet itis anargument of much goodnefs and humility, to call in the helpe of other mens eyes. 843 Ppppp2 Se-