844 Chap. 34. An Expoftion upon the -Book of j o B. Secondly., Note. The more wife menagree in any matter, thegreater is the Con- vitlion. One man may fpeak to Convi&ion,but if many fpeak the fame, it is a very ftrong Convielion. Many (I confeffe ) may center and agree in a wrongJudgement ; yet we ought to have a reverend e- Iteeme of, and nor eafily differ from that Judgement wherein ma- ny wife andunderflanding men agree. Chrift (peaking of Church- proceedingsand cenfures, faith (Math: 18. r9.) 'If two ofyou who conititute th,. lull number, much more if a greater num- ber of godly wife men )(hall agree on earth as touching any thing that they(hall aske, it fhall bedonefor them, &c. So Bill themore wife, holy, and learned men agree in any poynt,the greater is our convielion, and the lironger our obligation to fubmit to it. He that doth not heare a fingle brother,his fault is great; muchmore if he heave not two or three ; molt of all when he doth not heare the Church fpeaking to him,, and teftifying ágainfl him inthe naine of Jefus Chrit}. Thirdly , eliha having made a long difcourfe,.appeal's towife men. Verf.34 Hence note. He that believeth hebath fpoken truth , is not afraid to have it canfidered by thofe who arebelt able to judge what is true. Truth feares not any tefl, or tryall. He that offers pure gold and fiver, cares not who toucheth ir, or takes the Affay. wifdome is (Cure enough to be)juflified ofher children.Theywho underftand truth, and love it, can doe nothingagainft the truth, but for it. Fourthly , Elihuhaving difcourfed long, iswilling to referre it tomen, and to let them judge of it. Hence pore. He that hallo fpoken truth in his uprightnefr, bath reafon to be- lievethat hefeall have the confine of the upright with him. There is a fameneffe of fpirit in all wife andgodly men for the Blaine, and for the moll part it is fo in particulars. Ifagodly man confciencioufly judge fuch anopinion to be truth,hemay be much . aired,, that other wife and godly menwill be of his opinion too. He