Chap. 34. An Expofttion upon the Book, of Jo B. Verf.35. 845 He dares fay, as Elihu, Let wife men hearken unto me. Fifthly, and laf#ly, In that Elihu makes his appeal towife men, to menof heart. Note. all men are not fit to give their fudgement in a cafe. All are not Competent Judges, nor prepared to give an opini- on ; and if they doe 'tis not much to be regarded wife men,fpe- daily godly wifeHen, men of a holy underflanding, are the men whofe judgement and opinion is to be regarded. Elihu having befpoken the thoughts and opinion of wifemen,feemes to give his . ovine in the next words. Verf. 35, fob bath fpoken without knowledge, and his words were without wifdorne. When Elihu hadoffered it to the Confideration of wife and underflanding men,whether fob had Spoken right about that great poynt, Seobmi f on to the abfolute Soveraignty ofGod, he fo:bare not firfl, andplainly to declare his owne underflanditag ofit. fob loath fpoken without knowledge. TheHebrew is, not in knowledge, or, not knowingly ; that is, ig- norantly, foolifhly ; a very high charge ; fobbath fpoken without knowledge yet we are not tounderfland it asif Elihu thought fob an Ignorant, or anunknowing man, he could not but know other- wife ; but as to this particular cafe, he reports him as aman that had fpokenwithout knowledge, and declared himfelfe both bcfide his duty, and the rule. Hence note. They who are very wife and knowing in many things , yet may be out in force. The belt of men are not perfe5f,either ingrace,or knowledge. We may know much, and yet come fhort in what we ought to know ; Aman may fpeakSome things very underflandingly,.and yet fpeak other things very erroneoufly ; A job may be out Some- times. fob bath [poken without knowledge. and