Chap, 34. ,Bn Expofttiott upon the Book, of J o B. Verf. 35. 847 the man ( z Sam: i z. 7.) and not only telling him fo , but at once upbrayding him with all the former benefits and kindneffes of God to him,& threatning him with many dreadfull future judge- ments (v. 8, g, io, 11,1z.) when( iay) he was thus fharply dealt with, it might have been feared,that this Great king would have rifen up in paffion, and roared like a fierce Lyon upon the Prophet ; yet we heare nothing from himbut words of forrowfull confeffion, and humble fubmiilion(v. i3. ) 1 have finnedagainft the Lord. The boldneffeof Paul was great in blaming Peter open- ly, and Peters meekneffe was as great inbearing that blame ( Cal: 2.r4.)Nor doe I knowwhether the patience of Job were greater in bearing the great afflieiions that God layd upon him,or in bear- ing thegreat reproofs which this manlayd uponhim. I grant, he complained often ofthofe bitter reproaches whichhisthree friends caf$ upon him, charging him for a wicked man or a hypocrite, and thenhe replyed and replyed_home : but here Elihu repro- ved him fharply for his rafh fpeeches and intemperate carriage under his afflidìton, and he tooke it both meekly and filencly. it goodman will not forme, nor rage , nor revile, nor threaten, when he is jualy reprehended, but lyes downe under it , and takes it quietly , yea thankfully, and goes, home and bleffetr God that he bath met with a knock ; Thefe are very hard words, Thou haft fpoken words without wifdome ; But Job feemes to con- feffe and patientlybeare them It is heft for on not to doe or fpeak any thing that deferves a reproafe, and'tis the next heft, to receive' a reproofe well for what wehave eitherdone orfpoken i14. Io g,