848 Chap. 34. An Expofition upon the Bookof J o it Verf. 36. JOB. Chap. 34.. Verf. 36,37. I2yde f re is that job may be tryed unto the end, be- caufe of his anfwers for wielded men. For he addeth rebellion unto his fin, he clappeth his hands amongfl s`r, and multiplyeth his words a- gainfl God. N thefe two verses eau windes up his fecohd fpeech to job, and in them we have two things confiderable ; Firfl, his mori- on made in reference to job at the beginning of the 36th verfe ; ts`Ylydefire is (or this is the this.: that Imovefor) that Jobmay be tryed unto theend. Secondly, we have the reafon of this motion, which force make three-fold, others foure-fold, taking the latter part of the 36th verfé for one of the foure My defire is that Job may be tryed to the end, why ? Füff , Becaufe of his anfwers for wicked men. Secondly, I defire he may be tryed unto the end, why ? for he eddeth rebellion unto hisfin. Thirdly , Idelre he may be tryed unto the end ? why ? he claps perk his hands amongff us , and Fourthly , Ide/ire he may be tryed to the end, why ? he multi- plytthhis words againfi God. Others take the latter words of the 36thverfe, only as the fubje& matter about which Elihu delires fob maybe tryed, that is,concerning his anfwers for wicked men. And fo the 37thverfe containes three reafons why he delires he may be brought ro that tryall. Verf. 36. c'lTy delre is that Job may be tryed. Sowe tranflate, and we put in the margin, Omyfather, moll or rink; vaiufr many tranflaters put that into the text, Omy father , Let Job be eultit,nndenli tryed unto the end, The firíl word of the text h.;th a two-fold fig- pater, quailbe- nification force taking it as an application to t. =or' by the name nevolus diate,. or titlefather The reafonof this difference is becanfe the mote Pater nti pro > betur lob tfq; of that Hebrewword which fignif.es a rather , lignifies to delire, ad viaoriarn, to willor with. Mr Broughton renders, O,rny father (and he adds, Tsr: O