Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 34. An Expofstion upon the Boslz,ofJ o B. Verf. 36. 849 Omyfather whiebart in heaven ) Let job be tryed unto vi5tory. As ifE1hu ( faith he ) looking up toheaven, by Ofather, meant what followeth , Ofather which art in heaven. find he quotes Abraham Peritzol (a learnedRabbin) expounding the wordsfo tranflated,at larg. Father is one of the fweereff and troll honourablecompellati- ens ofGod. (Ifa: 63. 16.) the whole Church' of the yews is brought inbefpeaking God in that Relation; Thou art our father, though Abraham be ignorant ofus,&c. And God fpeaking ofhim- felfe, faith ( Mal :: i. 6.) Afon honoureth hse father, if1be afa- ther, where is myhénour. It was ufuall even among theheathens Apud Gentiles to adde the namefather to their Idol gods, thereby to expreffepater commune theirreverence, or veneration of then. nomen erst Deorum; unde O my father. Dierinter,Mar- J iter, 7upiter. They who embrace this tranflation take fpeciall notice of that pronouneMy,Omy faeher.He doth not fay onlyorbarely,0father, but O my father. Thole appropriatingpoifellìve pronouns, mine, thine, have a kinde of delicioufneffe in them, and breath abouti- dance of affection. Luther fayd the fweetnetle of the Gofpel ly- eth in pronosmes ; when a believer can fay (with believing Tho- mar) My Lord, and my God. Thofe things or perlons which we love moll we call ours ; we fay of a fingle fpeciall friend , he is mine ; and to fay, fuck aone is mine , is asmuch as to fay , he is muchbeloved, muchprized or efleemed by me, he , as it were, lies next my heart ; property rayfeth the price of all good things. We rejoyce in God moft,when we can call him ours ; and fó doth God in us, when he takes us for his owne. We have a meetingor ` a me union of feverall olletfive pronouns in one verte Cant: 8. i z, VPtx'' Ex quo p P (. ) omnis paterni- cMy vineyard which is mine is before me: My,mine, before me ; tag, vulg: implying howmuchJefus Chria did appropriatethe Churchun- Paternitatis tohimfelfe, or how muchhe thought himlelfe concerned in the flown en fe- profperity of the Church. And as the Title Father is fweet and medpfo largi- comfortable, fo glorious and honourable ; God is the father of omnibus all, and all fatherhood is derived fromGod. Thar of theApoftlebonsu ndici rs (Eph: 3.15. ) which we tranflate, ofwhom the wholefamily, &c. quiabonitatem Others render, thewhole fatherhood, in heavenand earth is named. oUiscommani- For as Godonly isgood, and other things are good only by cote- cat, pill: municationfromhim, foGod -only is a father, and allother father- ad Ephef. Qq q q q hood cap: 3.