8 s Chap.34. An Expiators open the Bokof J o B. Verf.36 hood is by derivation and communication from him. O myfather,, let fob be tryedunto the end. We fay, eMy defire is. The Hebrew text is as cleare for that ; and whether we fay, O myfather, let fob be tryed, or, my define ss that job may be tryed to the end, the general fenfe is the fame. We render the word bydefire ( Chap: g. 26..) wherefob tells us, that his life or the life of man is like the faroft,Jhips ; we put in the margin, (hips of defare (it is this word ) that is, like thole (hips which being mot+ deferable (as being ladenwith the richef and niot+precious com- modities ) make molthaft home to their harbour, or proper Port. Thus here, Mydefsre,or the thing that I firongly wi(h is, &c, The Chaldeeparaphrafe renders, My willis, er Iwill Yob ego ut 7hat job may be tryed. proberto. lob, .rc. Tang: But had not Job been tryed already : was there any need to call him to a farther tryall ? had he not been in the furnace a long time ? why then doth Elihu fo earnef+ly importune that Job might be brought to tryall ? 1 anfwer ; Theword lignifies a two-fold tryall ; Firft, a tryall by way of examination, or argumentation ; we try a than when we examine him, and argue with him, when we fcann and fearch out what he bath fpoken, or what he bath done. In this fence the word isufed ( Chap: 12. }r I. ) andat the 3d verleof this Chapter, the care tryeth words ; that is, the Bare examineth the fenfe andmean- ing of thofe thingswhich are fpoken ; and by the eare, he meanes not only the fenfitive faculty taken abftra6tly, but the fenfitive fa- cultyjoynedwith the intelle9uali. A beaft bath an eare and can beare, but a beat+cannot try or examine that which is fpoken and heard ; only they that have rational! faculties joyned with the fen- fitive are able to try words, and matter delivered by them. I defire Jobmay be tryed to the utmofl, that thewords and fpeeches which have paf+ from him, may be fully confidered,or confidered tó the end, that it may, at !aft, appeare what he bath alferted and maintained. aunt qui ìntel-1 Secondly, It lignifies a tryall by affli&ion (Zech: i3.9. ) tigunt probariOne third pall be brought through the fire and tryed. As meeralt pro gxagitarí cold or hive: is tryed and refined in the fire, fo than they in the fire <iiikutatione,,