Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 34. Ax Expeftton upon the Beok_ of J o B. V e f. i 6: 8 5 t fire of afflidtion. Jefus Chrifi is called a tryed;one (If'a; 23. r 6.)fed præflgt ut and he was fo in both thefe accounts ; he was examined and ar -ad. rentationerxi gued with to the end and he was a£flieled, acid grieved to the referatur per a i£üoner> end, he was a manof iorrows, and acquainted with griefs all his ietc: dayes ; Behold I lay in Zion a tryed ftone ,. afure ,Corner flan ; that which is tryed is fure ; we may trufl that which bath been tryed. We fay, try me and traft me ; we may underfland Elihu in both, or in either of thefe fenfes My delire is that job may be tryed, that what hebath fayd may be further exatnined,or that hisOprarsi ut tan- aff iaionmay be continued, till he be brought to a light of his ti/orfliagedetnr errors and mittakes. I would have him correbted till he fubmitslob donee deo toGod as a conqueror , and recanteth his ra£h and inconfiderate vinrenti cedat anfwers. My defire is that job may be tryed et reflionfir va- 1 nip renunciet. rote the end, Jun: 1151 aV ver- He Both norfay barely, tryed, but, tryed unto the end; that is, fun ns,3 fig- fully and through/7 tryed , not by halves , overlay and flighrly ; eúc e¡reóarn If he be indeed jufl and fincere, the fireof this tryall , how long lonecad linens foever he continueth in it,will doe him no hurt,it will only .purge perdullun fue and refine him from his remaining droffe ; but if he be unfound rit. acid nought , he will evaporate and futile away into vaine corn- plaints and murmurings ; Therefore let him be tryed to the end. Some of the Latines tranflate, I wouldhave him tryed to death, which is the end or period of man in this world. The word fib nifies fempeternity, as alfovielory, becaufe that which continueth ever, mull needs be vielorious (rSam: t 5. z9.) Theftrength plerirq; latini, of Ifrael will not lie; weput in the Margin, The eternity or vit3"ory ad mortemuf of Ifrael (that is , the eternall God , who is viblor over all ) will que reddunt net Ile. Thus fome render here, Idefarefobmay be tryed satovi- quod in Origi- ilory, that is, that God would never give over trying him, till he f ;hgbcur, bath overcome him and brought downe his fpirit, for.ftill the man cum vet in is too high, too flout, his fpirit is Bill too big, toounbroken ; my fempiternu n. delire therefore is that Godwould try him toviaory,rill he bathVau,:blu, Ion- brought him upon his knees,and madehim earehis words, or till go Tempore ; he give glory t© Godby humbling himfelfe and confefïìrn3his (in ; Gregorim, Ad Iwould have him fully convinced b " argument and -brought); hut. ter. par Y Y a a Y Jugiter. humbled by chaflifemetar, till be at tall refigneth up himfelfe to the will of God. The Italien glotfe puis it in the forme of a prat"- er; Withdraw net thy vifitation from fob, ;vita thou haft brought Q_q q q q 2 Bins