Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap. 3 4. An Expofitioa upon the Book of ] o B. 'Verf. 36. 853 rather then fin ; fowe may pray for aflii&ion upon others , rather then that they fhould goeon in fin.As in that cale ofthe Churches proceeding to the fentence of excommunication ; which is the de- livering of a perfon up toSaran, or a putting him into the very power ofthe devill for a time (t Cor: 5. q., 5.) it is the end or defigne which makes this lawful! : our bufinefs in the miniaryand in all Church-adminifirations , is to put foules out of the power of Satan, to refcue them out of the hand of the devill, to recover thofe that are led ,Captive by him at his will; yet faith the Apo- ftle,Teliver faith aone unto .Satan, put him into the devils hands, for what end ? For the.deßrnttion of theßèfh, that thefpirit may be faved in theday ofthe Lord lefus. Thismakes the prayer or a& of the Church lawful!, becaufe the intendment is the deRroying of that which ought to be def+royed :, or to defiroy that in ni will be the deflru&ionofman, hisftefh, his lull, his pride, his covetoufnelfe, his wantonnefs ; For the.deftruaion -of thirßefh deliver him to Satan, that the Spirit may bePaved in the dayofthe Lord Pefru.Thus we may pray and with for affliction upon others; but 'tis aprayer which muff be managed with a great deale of caution, left our prayers to God in that kinde,be found illwishes to men. That whichElihu had inhis thoughts, when he defired lob might be tryed to thevery end,was,that he might be preven- ted from going on in the way-wherein-hewas to the,end. Yea, I- conceive a man may pray for affíi&ionsupon himfelfe, rather then he fhould goeon in a courte of fin, or, whenhe lindes that other wayes and means which God hash ufed with him, have not been effe&uall to fubduehis corrupt heart, tomortifie his hafts, and to bring him off from a courfe offin,but that (asit isfayd in the next verfe ) he is in danger of adding rebellion to solo fen. A godly man had much rather that God fhouldmake him poore, ficke, weake, and nothing in this world, then let his corruptions have dominion over him ; He delires rather God should take the world quite out of his hand , then that the world fhould get into his heart, . or be as fuel to feed and enflame his lulls. Thus Elihndefired that lob might be tryed, becaufe tryalls byBono tpfriu op. affli&ion are for our purging, refining, andbettering. Love was sat hoe, non o- the rote of this will,, not hatred or ill will. Let lob be tryed to roclenria. ale-- the end. Why ?- we may take the latter part of the verfe for a rea- fon why, as wel as for the matter about which hewould have him tryed. B'ecaufs.: