854 Chap. 3 4. An Expofition upon the book, of J o B. Vert; 36, Becaufe of his anfwers for wicked men. refhon- Let him be tryed concerning thole words which he bath fpoken ates) cum homi in common with or after themanner of vaine men. He hash fpo® a3 :brae improbif, ken words wherein he feemes to complywith wicked men, to lay Bez: as they fay, to confent with them, and to beof their opinion, this Tanquam nuns was charged uponhim dire6tly by Elihn at the 8th verle of this è numero viro- Chapter;what man is like fob, who drinkethnpfcorning like water, rum vanorum.which goeth in company with theworkers of iniquity, and walker, Pifc: withwicked men; that is, though fobinhiscovertion or carri- age of his life hath not, yet in this difcourfe,he bath arengrhened the hands ofwicked men, or confirmed them in their opinion, fpeakingfomuchof theheavy preffures ofGod upon hirn,and de- firing fooften to come to a hearing,as if hehad fume wrongdone him. We are not tounderfhand thefe words of Elihn, Becaufeof his anfwers forwicked men ; As if he charged Job to doe fo di- re&ly, or as ifhe had formally taken upon him to plead or advo- cate the caufe of wicked men ; we are not (I fay) to underfland him fo grofsly, nor hád it been true to fay , that fob opened his mouth,or fpake thus for wicked men ; but his meaning is, heBath fpoken fuch things as in common apprehenfion feeme to comply with the opinions of wicked men ; or with the fpeeches which they life when theyare ( like him ) in a troubled condition. Or againe , Becanfe ofhis anfwersfor wicked men ; that is, that he may acknowledge the an veers he hath given, are not filch as doe become a godly man, but rather favour of fuch a fpirit as un- broken proud pertbns hold forth in the time of their affii&}ion; who are never pleated with,but alwayes complaining at divine dif penfations. Laffly , Thefe words, Becaufeof his anfwers for wicked men, may, po+.fïbly,have this fence ; Becaufe he hath fpoken fuch things as may ferve the turne of wicked men for anfwers , or , as if he would inftruet them what ro anfwer , when at any time they are under the hand of Cod. He may be fayd to anfwer for another man,whoany way pï ompts him how or what to anfwer.And while a good man ipeakes atniffe, in any cafe, he teacheth, yea and en- couragethbad men to fpeake fo too. Yet I rather incline to the fief interpretation, that Elihnwouldhave To6 tryed , becaufe his anfwers were fuch as it might be judged hehad taken wicked men