Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

Chap, 34, An Expofation upon the B00%, of j o s. , Verf. 36. 855, men for his patterne in giving them, andnot as if in them he had given apatterne to wicked men. Hence note. Firf} , Agoodman mayfonetimes all the partofa wickedman, or he may fpeàk like wicked men, as of he were one of them; Thoughhis Rate be asdifferent from the Rate of wicked men, as light is from darkneffe, ór as fweet from foure, or white from black, yet as Co fome aelions or fpeeches, he may beare arefem- blance to them. Goodmen andbad mendoe, as I may fay,enter- common in many things ; awicked man whofe heart is nought, who is yet inan unregenerate ef}ate (for I meane not bya wicked man, him only that is flagitious, a murderer, a whoremonger, d drunkard, but awicked man is any one that is unregenerate,whofe heart is not yet changed ; Now I fay, a wicked man) may fpeak and doe many things like agodly man ; he may heare the word, . and pray, and performe outward duties, which are like and are ( take themmaterially) the fame whichgodly men performe. Thus he enter-commons with godly men ; and this is the cafe of all hypocrites, who make apretence of religion, when they have no acquaintance with the power of it. And thus through tempta- tion, and in force very burthenfome afi6}ions a godly man may fpeakas a wicked man fuch flatly rafh provoking fpeeches may paffe from him as proceed from the ungodly , only here is the difference, thofe evill fpeeches or a6ìrions proceedfrom the flare ofthe one, andonly from the temptation of the other. Secondly; From the phrafe or forme of fpeech , in which the originals expreffeth wicked men ; The words are, Men ofwick- ednefs, or iniquity ; As if it had been fayd , the worn of wicked men. This (hews us what man naturally is ; he is aman ofwick- ednefs; nothing but wickednefs, altogether wicked. The Lord looking downe from heaven uponall the children of men (in;a, fate of nature ) fayd, There is not onetbat doth good , no not one; Take any wicked man he bath no :good in him, no no one good thought in him ; he is a manof Iniquity, he is meere wickednefs, till he be changed, till his heart be-broken by Godly forrow, till he be united untoChrif} by faith, and through t he Spirit. I know this expretiion is.ufed feverall times in Scripture, tonote thofe men whoafe tanners of the firfi forme,, being, not only .¡inners in their