Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

856 Chap. 34. An Expoftion upon the Book, of J o , Verf.37. their flare, but in the highefl degree of activity. Thus Antichrifl is called, 71,e man offin (z Thef: z.) And when the Prophet faith ( Ifa: 5 5.7.) Let the man of iniquity turne from his evil! way ; hemanes the worfl of men. Yet this is a truth, every man in an unconverted eflate is, a man of iniquity ; he bath no goodnefs, no- thing of God in him , he bears only the Image and imprefle of the devil! uponhim. Chrifl told the Pharifees, whowerehigh in -eputation with the world for good men (John 8.44.) Te are ofyour father the devil! , and the tufts of your fatherye well doe. The naturall man is fo finfull,that he is meerly fin. And fometimes a godly man ipeakes and doth as if he were fo too. fob fpake like men of Iniquity. Elihu proceedeth more fully to declare both the reafon whyhe would haveSob further tryed, and likewife what he meant by his anByers for wicked men. Verf. 37. For he addeth rebellion( .r trefpafo) to hisfin. Moline mcri Here are two words,fin and rebellion ; the firfl which we ren- inteEÜgüurpec- der fn, fignifies fin in common ; the leaft tranfgrefìîon of the Law ex ern it is fin ; the lea(#vaine thought of the heart , the Intl idle word re connnuAm; Nomine vere of the tongue is fin ; but everyfin is not rebellion ; that hash ma- Via fcelus ny fpeciali markes or brands rather upon it. To rebel! is to fin with propriè rebel- a high hand, to rebel! is to fin with a fliff neck, CO rebell is to fin t " with obflinacy and refolvednefs of will ; headdeth rebellion tohis fin. But did Job rebel! indeed ? I conceive the rebellion which Elihu chargeth job with, is not rebellion in a flria but in aquali- fied and comparative fenfe ; As ifhe hadPaid ; Tob finned before, but now his finis heightened,we fee him now (inwords)rifing up againfi God,complaining of hisjuflice,or as if he had dealt unjufl- ly with him. What hedid in the time of his profperity,thofe flips & falls which he had then,weighed nothing as laid in the ballance with the intemperate fpeeches whichhe bath uttered in the day of his trouble. He addeth rebelli n unto hisfin. So we render as refpeaing what he was and had done before.Ochers render it po- tentially not indicatively ; Let Job be tryedunto the end , decants of his anfwers for wickedmen, for otherwife hemay aside rebellion to his ¡n ; we know not whether his corruptions may carry him if futfered to goe onne. This is a more favourable reading of the text,