Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

S53 Chap.34. fln Expoftion upon the Bool¿,ef J o$, Verf.37o. brought home to him and wrought upon him by reproofe, coup- fell, and admonition ; here is (fill greater rebellion. Therefore in the proceeding of the Church, fpokenof ( Math: 18. ) when an offendingbrother bath been reproved and told of his fault, fira in p ivate by a particular brother ,. thenby two, or three, then by the whole Church ; if after all there admonitionsand reproofes, he loth not repent, he is to be call out as a rebel, and accounted as a heathen or a publican. Laílly , As 'Lis rebellion when we finas again the reproofes of man , fo againfi theprovidences of God ; and thole of two forts. FirR, Whenwe fin.againfl the favourable providences of God, I meane thole which are outward ; whenGod bellows many mer- cies and comforts uponus, when he gives us health and riches in the world, and fullneffe of all things ,. then to in againl him is rebellion. (Dear: 3a. 15. ) fefurun waxedfat and kicked, and rebeiTedagainfl the Lord, and lightly regarded the rock ofhis fal- vation. Whenwe have receivedmany and great mercies, then to grow vaine and wanton, and nourifh our felves as in the day of flaughter,, this is rebellion againlGod.. Secondly, When the providences ofGod. have broken us by this evill or that evill,when we are broken in our eßares, broken in our names, broken in our relations, broken with ficknefs af- ter ficknefs , and yet perfil in a linfull way , this is rebellion, this is fin in the very height of it. This was the rebellionof 4- haz (2Chron:.23. 22..) who in the time ofhis diflreffe, tref paffed yet more agatnfl the Lord. And this was the rebellion of ftedah (Ifa: 1. 5.. ) why fkoaidyebeflrickenany more l ye will re- volt more andmore. Takeheed of this ; 'Lis too much that we fin at all, let us not be found adding rebellion tó our fin. I. may fay three two things conce, ning the habit or any aáß of fin. Firít, It is a burrhen to a Godlyman ; O wretchedman that d am ( fayd Paul) whofhalldeliverme from this bodyofdeath? Secondly , As it is a Godlymans burthen when he fins, fo it is his care and Rudy not to fin ; he would not fin at all ; he watcheth himfelfe that he may no: fin in the leaft degree. That was the Apollle johns delire and care for all the Churches (t Sohn (..My little children,thefe things I write antelots, that ye fin not. I. would have you watch .over your hearts and vvayes fo narrowly, that