Chap. 34. Ate Expefitian upon the Bookof J o B. Verf.37. 859 that no fin might flip you ; that ye might not have a wrong thought, nor fpeake an idle word ; how muchmore shouldwe takeheed, that we adde not rebellion CO our fin. There is fome- what of rebellion in every fin, even in the fins o good men ; but 'cis fad when they adde rebellion to their fin. Samuel gives a dreadful! defcription of that fin which is rebellion ( Sam: i g 2 3.) Rebellion is at the fin of witch-craft, andflubbernnefs is at Iniquity and Idolatry. Witch-craft is that in wherein men have much converfe and compliance with the devil! ; The devil! and the witch, or the devil! and the Diviner (as our Margin bath it ) as as loving companions ; they have mutual converse, yea cons- merfe, they trade together. Rebellion is that fin, or we fin re- bellìoufly, when we declare our felves moll averfe to God. The witch declares himfelfe a friend to the devil! ; the rebellious foule defieth and defpifeth God ; now thofe fins that have moli compliance with the devil!, and moll defiance againft God, are put together ; if aman Both much fet himfelfe to oppofe God, by finning againft light, againft reproofes, and againft providen- ces, whether thegracious or aí$iéìing providences .of God(Ifa man(I fay)rebell thus againft Cod)it is like the fin ofwitch- craft, which is compliance and converfe with the devil!. Here is an extreame on the one fide, and anextreame onthe ocher fide, yet both meete, rebellion is as the fin of witch-craft, andflubbornnefs is as Iniquity and Idolatry. Thefe latter words are exegaticall ; fubbornnefs (that is, when a man is flout and will goo on his way) is as Iniquity and Idolatry. We may confider a great ele- gancy inchofe words ; Stubbornnefs is as Idolatry. What is Ido- latry ? it is wortbippiñg or giving honour to a-falfe god, which is indeedworshipping the devil! ; all Idolatry is devdl-worchip ; the witch worfhippeth the devil! intentionally, and fo doth the Idolater, though he intend it not (r Car: to. 2o.) The things which the Gentiles facrifice, theyfacrifice todevills andnot to god. Idoe not fay , every. error or fayling in woríhip is devill -wor- thip, but that which is Idolatry indeed, or the fetting up of a woríhip of our ovine deviling is Idolary, and devil!-wor(hìp. Thusdlubbornnefs is as Idolatry, and rebellion is as witch- craft. What is witch- craft? compliance with the devil!. What is Ido- latry? devill-woríhip, a falling downe to the drvi;l. Let the wicked confider what they doe when they rebel! ; and let the Rxrrr z peo-