46o Chap. 39. An Expofition open the Book of ] o B. Verf.37. people of God take heed of any fin, or way of finning, which may be accounted rebellion. To fin with much will againf} much lighr, againft many reproofs from men, and again{} the reproving, or again[} the inviting providences of God, hath rebellion in it; Lie addeth rebellion to bis fin. Secondly , Taking the words in the mildeft fence, Note. Sometimes agoodman maygoebackward, hemaybe worfeand worfe , anddoe worfe and worfe. We fhould be alwayesgrowing ingrace, that's, the condition of believers and their duty , yet under fome difpenfations they may decline for a time and grow worfe and worfe, adding that which is like rebellion to their fin. Thirdly , If we confider thefe words in connection with the former ;. Elihohaving prayed for further tryall upon fob, as fear- ing, that elfe he might adde rebellion CO his fin. Note. Hethat is not thronghly convinced, andchafned, may quickly growwerfe andwerfe. He may, or he will adde rebellion to his fin. I doe not know where a mans fin, will end , if the Lord fhould let him alone. 'Tis a mercy that anyman, efpecially that God bath acontinual! infpeedon over us ; if fome mens wages were not tryed andque- ftioned, they might adde rebellion to their fin ; who knows where they would flop ? it is a mercy to have both words and a&ions examined by brethrenand Churches,how fadly elfe would many wander, yea it is a mercy to be tryedby aflliotion. When God keeps us from a foule way bybuilding a wall againft us, it is amercy, elfe we might adde rebellion to fin. Noman knowes the meafureof his owne evill heart, or what it would doe; for though believers have a generali promife to be kept by thepower of God tofalvation ; yet how lamentablyhave good men fallen,.. though kept from falling away ?Elihu aggravates this yet further by the example of fob in the latter and laft part of the verfe. He clappeth hishandy amongii asa, andmultiplieth his words ageingGod, He,