w>clappethhis hands, or, mak.etha noyfe aniongtt w >as Mt Broughtonreads it :?:.clappingof the hands in Scripture hath a rhree-fold fignification. ,: Fir'fl It implyeth paffionor forrow. A man under affliction d a p s , o r wrings hishands for griefe. Both thofe geftures are o ^^econdly^'TherO is a clapping.ofchehands'with indignation -whenwe are verv angry, then we dap our hands. _ Thirdly, There isa clappingof the hands for joy, or in away. of triumph ; when aman thinkshe has conquered and MMR day, he claps Jus-hands, and fa doe they who are on liesfide. ( l&fj 4-j. i. ) Oclaf jotir hands ( all yepeople Jfimtdnto (fed with the voice of triumph. i conceiveEhhit intendsfobclapping£Xpi0fufUf efhishands in this third fenfe; hedappeth hishands amongft us, m qrt or infults over us, as ifhe had conquered and wonne land >, and thereforeEhhuprayed that he might, he further try-Zf' ed. This is another aggravation of that ill frame stiuch Elihts conceivedfob tobe in. And indeed to clap our hands whenwe , have done .or. ffloken evill, is worfe then the evill, wmch we have either done orfpokerf; Heclesppeth hie hands; ■ ^ n i*mstltiflieth hk Wm ( Solomonfaith(Pr«: i o.it).)i'« themultitude,ofwordstheredothnop want fin; that is, 'there is tore of finin the .multitude of vvords, They that will be fpeakingmuch,flipmuch.jF^ (faith he ) tmdti- flyeth words againfi God. There is ^multiplying o£wordsagainft <jod two wayes ; l-irif, diredtly;Secondly,bywayof reflexion or rebound; Slihacouldnot fay,jikhad fpoken, nor could he ore* . fume he wouldfpeak one word , much leffe multiply words a- gainft God •diredfly. He knewJobWas a godlyman, but heaf- fereshe had, or feared he might multiplywords againtt God reflectively, that is,fpeakfuch'words-as'might caff,diihonour upon1 God, fuchwords asGod might tdke very ill at his hands, ar.d interpret as fpokenagainft.himfeffe; Hence note. ' , - ■ They whoJfeakenndaelyof the wayes and proceedings of Cjpd with themin this world)jfeake agfinfi GodJointffife.. The' r.nio ia. An Expofmon upon the Book of J ° B- Verf- 37-