Chap. 34. An Expofztion upon the Book, ®f j o s. Verf. 37 863 in words. 'Tis a dangerous thing to be found fpeaking words a- gainfl God ; yet thismay be the cafe of a good man, whofe heart . is with God, and whole heart is for God : even while he hath a general bent ofheart to lay himlelfe out in fpeaking and doing for God, he through paflion and temptationmay be found fpeaking againfi God. What we fpeake dilcontentedly of the wayes or works of God, is a multiplyingof words againfl Godhimlelfe. Thus I have givenout and finnedmy thoughts upon the Pre- face which Elihts made to lead in his difcourfe with j 6 , as alto upon two flages of his difcourfe with him. pb fns filent and an- friers him not aword, which Elihw perceiving takes liberty to urge him further with two difline} difcourfesmore, contained in the three Chapters following ; which, if the Lord give life and leave, may be openedand offered to the readers ufe and accep- tance in convenient feafen. A TABLE':