THE TABLE. Binding, thegreat ufe of itfor healing. 6o8 Bladders, wicked menhow like them. 691 Blindnefs fpirituall, or of the under- flanding, to befmitten with it, how fore ajudgement. 699 Boafting, man is very apt to boafi of himfelfe. 83, 84 Man is apt to beau in the evil he doth, much more of the goodhe doth. 84. His boaft- inq,of wifdome. 85 Bones, what they are to the body. 337. Paine in the bones grievous. 337, 338 Breath, andfpirit their difference. 590 C Call ofGod, it is dangerous to refute or not hearken to hisfïrfi call. 268 Cato, his anfwer to a voluptuous per- (on. 50 5 Change or turning of a nean into ano- ther man twofold. 55 Changes, God can quickly make the greatefl changes both in natural and civil things. 418 Charities done rightly produce agreat encreafe. 566 Chafiifements are documents. 340. what properly a chaftifement is. 789. Chaflifement is for amend- ment. 797. when Codchaftneth us, wefhould promife amendment. 797 In what fencewe may promife (being chafined ) to offend no more. 798 Chirurgion, three things required in brim, anfwerably thole three in thofe who would cure the jostle. lax Ch: ift , remembrance of his humbling himfelfe, agreat meaner to humble us. 325. Chrift the Angel of the Covenant. 371. We muff have uni- on withChrifi, elfe we canhave no benefit by him. 429. Chrift the only hidingplace for finners. 672. Sin- ners under afourefold confderation, may hide themfelver inChrift. 672 Churches of the Gentiles to be warned by the fevere dealings of God with the Church ofthe (ewes. 697 Chufng, or chufìng of rInflruments,, how it differsfromGods. 6x . Chu- fing or elet7ion, what it is. 5o6. The chiding of judgement what. 506. It is not enough to know or doe good, toilette we chufe it. 509 Clay, that all men are clay , bow it fhoteldworke. 187 Comforts, the be.fb in the creature vaine. 347 Company , to chufe ill company the figne of an evill man. 538, 543. To be much in the companyof good men, a fgne of goodnefs. S40. In whatfenfe agood man may be fayd to gee in company with evill men. 541> 542 Condemnation fuppofeth a man to be wicked. 29. Tocondemne andmake wicked the fame in Scripture. 29, 3o, 31. Condemnation out of our owne mouth , mug needs flop the month. 196 Condemne , to condemne thofe whom we cannot anfwer, how 'infra. 29, 3o,32. To condemn God the great S f ff f z wick-