Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

T H E T wick.edoefs of it , and in what fenfe *many doe et, 618,619 Conditional als ofgrace. 393 Confefion threefold. 445. Sin a- be confei'ìed. 44y. Whether agene- rall confediion be enough. 449 Confidence or truft in man , a flrong arytment agalnil it from mans weaknefs. boo Convi&ion,what,or when e perfon may be fayd to be convinced. 78, 79. Three great coi vincers fherned, 8o, Bel Converfion, the worke of God net of man, 89 Confideration, what it is. 707, 71e Not to confider the wayes andword of Cod very finfull. 713, 714. The duty o fconfideration preft. 717 Corruption, Both not prevail* upon the dead body of man tall the fourth day. 323. Corruption, why fin is fo called. 797) 800 Courtefies ; They watchfora difcour- tefie, who askecourtefies of us be- yond ourpower. 210 Croefus, the anfroar which the Oracle gavehim ambiguous. 16o Cry of the oppreffedwill goe up to God. 718. Their afiliion bath a dry, though they cry not, 729. They are the worft ofwicked men , who caufe the poore to cry. 720. God graci- ouflyheareth the cry of humble op- preffed ones. 722. Vide oppreffed. D Dar P wovld,; 666 ABLE. Death is agoing lowne to thepie. 4oz. S+cknefs bath a tendency to death. 402. when man dyethhe isgather- ed to God. 593. Death is called-a gathering in a threefold fenfe. 594. No man bath priviledge' againf! death. 597. Death of two forts. 639. Death of any fort may befall all forts of men. 640. Death comes fuddenly upon many men, and may upon all men. 640. Tlelent death fweepes away many in a moment. 641 Declining, how a good man may de- cline andgrowwerfe. 86o Deferre, god fometimes deferrs to doe his fervants right. 520. Deferrings are very affliltive. 520 Deficiencies of the belt men two wages to be confidered for their humbling. 323 Delaying dangerous , though God be patient. 467. Delayes an bufanefs may be noflopofit. 483 Delighting in God,what. 545, 546 Deliverances of five forts. 399 De- liverance as from god only. 403. God cenveighs deliverance by man er menues ufually. 403. Our deli- verance from fin is coftly. 410. Deliverances are obtained three wayes. 410, 411. Temporall de- liverance by Chrift alfo. 412. Great deliverancesgive us a new life. 470 Defpayre of theend, puts an end to en- deavour. 6. Defpayre increatures, yet hope in God. 528 De(lrudtion, in whofe deflrutionGod bath pleefaro. 812 Devills.