THE TABLE. Devil's fin and condemnation , what. 86 Diadurnenus, his refolietion. 0 2 Differences, what hinders the healing of them. 483., 484, 486,487, 488 Diligence how it mares rich. 635 Difcontent the Devil's fin. 59 Difeafes anddeath not jarre ofazder. 360. Difeafes aredeflroyers. 365. Difeafes at the commacd of God. 400 Di pleafure of God renders all outward comforts nothing to us. 342 Difputing, tough and hard werke. 3 Difputatron the true law of it. 193 Drawing and withdrawing, twograci- ous ails ofGod towards man. 299 Dreanae what it is. 280. Natural! dreams caufed Pure wayes. 280 Diabolical! dreames. 282. Divine drearnes , fivemeffages upon which they are feat. 282, z83. It bath been the ufe ofGod to reveale him felfe by dreames. 285. Five rea- fons why cod revealed himfelfe in dreames. z86. Dreames the way of Gods revealing himfelfe to the Church ofold. 287. Luthers prayer about dreames. 288. A profitable ufe may be made ofdreames at this day. 289 Drinking, what it (/gnifeth in Scrip- ture. 533. a/Q threefold meafure of drinking. 534. To drinkefcor- ning like water , what it imports. 535 Dull, in what fence all men are but dul+. 598. Bumbling- canfiderati- ons from it. 599, boo E Eagle, how the reneoveth her flrength. 419 Eare twofold. 290. The eare natural- ly lilt againft the teachings ofGod. 290. Seven Eare-Hoppers. 291 God openeth the eare by foure meaner. 292. Eare bow it tryetb words. 499. Theufe'of the eares. sor. How the word muff be tryed by the eare, before'tis fubmitted to. 502,5o3. The reproofe of thole who ufe their menthes more then their eares. 504. Eare its power. 85o Earth, what it figniféth in Scripture. 576 Eafnefs to follow or be led by ethers ve- ry dangerous. 99 Elderßlip twofold. 36 Eledion an ail of abfolute free grace, 397 EleUion as an aa ofman vid: chuffing. Elihu, what that name fîgnifeth. al Eloquence, how it may be burdenfome, I 9 r Error,an error cannot alwayes be main- tained. 0o5. Errors both of under- handing, will and wayes, many times ferret to us. 818 Evil', not to know to doe evil' , or to be a bungler at it is beh. 13o, 13r. Thefpirit of a good man is fee a- gainfl it. 0.32. They that doe evil" have realm to expeEi evil!. 138.. Example of fuperiors in doing evil'' very powerful!. 778 Examplesof gods 7wd,ersents are to be' e)esh