Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

THE TABLE. eyed andmarked. 656. Exemplary punifhment, all beholding. 694, 695 7breereafons why force are punifhed fo. 696 Excufe, they who excufe a fault, (hew they have a mind to continue in it. 549 Exercife of the foule under affitlaon, inwhat it dodo confa fl, 796 :Eyes of god , what theyfgnifie. 656 Eyesfeemore then an eye. 843 F Face of aman, why put for hisperfon. 219 Face of godwhat, and what it is tofee hisface. 432. Face of god fome- times hid from his people and why. 433. It is the foiepriviledge of the favourites ofGod to fee his face434 It is our greatef joy and happinefs tofee the face ofGod. 435, Face of god what it ígni faeth. 727. The hiding of Gods face notes three things. 727 . How the face of God may befeene. 729. Not to behold the face ofGodwhat it imports.729, 73o. Hiding ofGods face fromna- tions; Vide Nations. The hiding of Gods face is exceeding grievous to his people. 755, 577 Caution to beware of provokng God to hide his face. 756 Faith, our faith not be pinn'd upon men, how great or ancient foever. 67. Faith is our 7/Ilionof God in this life. 432 Father, ,a relation or title of great lao- hour and comfort. 849 Father-hood, God the fountain of it. Favourites to God, who. 427. A 8 . god- ly man is ufed by God lake a favou- rite. 429,430,43; Feare twofold. 42. Agood feare what, they feldome doe amffe who feare they may: Flattery rs iniquity. 227. A twofold flattery opened. 127 , r 28. The other extreame to be avoyded. 129 Flattery is awrath-provoking fin. 135. 7ofiferour (elves to be flat- tered is verydangerous. 136. To give flattery bath a double danger. 136, s37. More fìnfull to flatter thofe that doe evil!, then to doe evil!. 231 Flefh, what meant by it in Scripture. 349, 3 So. Flefh a fading thing. 352. Flefh calledgraffe au two re- ffie5ls. 353. Saxpratlzcáll inferen- ces from thefadingnefs of the flefh. 354, 355. Mtn not called flefh till after the fall. 595 Flight, or to flee for our lives, H a grievous Tudgement. 648 Folly, refufall of obedience to god the folly of man, 64 Forgivenefs of fin. Videpardon. Fortune , the wicl¿,ednef of afcribing any thing to it. 583 G Gaine ofworldly things afrong temp- tation. 454 Gifts of the mind, wa,(dome and under- "bandingcome fromGad. 5 5, 56, 57 Glut-