T H E with them. 63, 64. Therefore no taking thins upon truftfrom them. 65 Greatnefs of men, or their abilities ei- ther to reward or hurt w, mini mot turn usfrom the right. 122, 12 3 Greatnefs of God opened. 234. Five inferences from it. 235, 236 We may both fay and believe that God is great, andyet not anfwer it inour pratife. 239. who they are that indeed acknowledge God in his greatnefs. 240. Our not laying to heart the grearnefs orGod, caufeth our unfubmifon to him. 341 Guilt, agodly man is as carefull to a- voyd the ad of fn, as to be freed from the guilt ofit. 799 H Halting of two forts. 213 Hand , ftriking the hands together in twofold fgnification, 692. Hands, clapping ofthem in a threefoldfence. 86 I .Hand taken two wayes inScrip- ture. 191 To be taken away with- out hand,what. 638. T o doe a thing without hand notes three things.6 so Haft often lothhurt. 48 3 Haters ofall good,many fach. 610 Health to bec prayed and praifed for. 366. Health to be carefully prefer ved. 367. Health and ftrength of body, thegift of God. 417 Hearers, feverall forts of faulty hea- rers. 146. Sin confaderations upon which the whole mind ofGod is to be heard, 147, 148. fie that w,aald TABLE. be aprofitable hearer , muff be an attentive hearer. 476, The molt prudent fpeakers are all; patient hearers. 483. Thefinofthole who either heare and doe not, or doe not heave, So5 Hearing,goodmenmay be chill of hear- ing. 498. The fenfe of hearing is a great mercy,andofgreat safe to man- kïnde, 01 5 Hearkning, more then hearing. . 144, 145.What it is to hearken. 146,475 Heart and tongue fhould goe together. 154. Three wayes in which men fpeake againft their own hearts. /55 Heart of manprone to andfare in e- vill. 299. Setting of the heartupon any thing,what it notes.537. Heart, the feverall wayes of it. 657 Heartlefs man, who, 552 Hearty man, or man of heart, what it fagnifieth. 5 5 t Holinefs, two things argue much the holinefs of any mans heart. 15. Holinefs confa fis inour keeping cleft toand imitationof God. 706 Holy thinws, the iniquity of them not eafily difcerned. 819 Honour, how to begiven all men. 128 Humble, God is highly pleated with the humble. 427 Humbled,u tritely humbledpoint much in the exercife of a-fourfold duty.8o3 Humility, low thoughts of our felves bell. 45. Three degrees of humi- lity. 129 Hypocrites, much difcovered, by lick- nets and affliiion. 359. What the Hebrew word for a hypocrite im- ports,