THE TABLE. imports. 758. Two forts of hypo- crites. 759. A Hypocrite is hated ofGod, and hurtfull to man. 761 The mature of an hypocrite. 76r A threefold diflintlioia ofhypocrites. 761, 762. A fourefold defgne of hypocrites opened in their making profefon of religion. 763, 764. Foure things by which hypocrites may bedifcovered. 768, 769. They lové to be feene, and are very cenfo- rious. 770, 771. Severall confide- rations movingall to take heedofby- pocrifie. 773, 774. Hypocrites rarely converted. 775. Hypocrites are high-minded and lookafter Great things. 776. Hypocrites under the power of covetoufnefs and ambition. 776 , 777. Hypocrites getting power abufe it to the wronging and enfnaring of the people. 778. They enfnare two wayes. 778. A hypo- crite is moff unfit for publick fer- vice, 781 Incorruptibility twofold. 17o Indians their modefiy in not (peaking before their Elders. 38 Infirmities,it is uncharitablenefs totake much notice of them in others, but holinefs to take notice of them in our felves. 217. God is not flricç to take notice ofoar infirmities. 218 Iniquity, what flrilIly. 203 interpreter, taken three wayes. 375 4threefoldinterpreter, 375,376 The Miniflers of Chrifl are the in- terpreters ofthe mindof God tofan- ners. 376. Miniflers are the peo- ples interpreters to God foure ways. 377. Two inferences from it. - 377, 378. True interpreters very rare. 379. Interpreters or Minifiers,fcw zn a twofoldreference, with the- rea- s foes ofit. 38o, 381. Interpreters in truth butfew,comparedwith thofe who are fo in title,(hewedfive wages. 381, 382. Faithfull interpreters to be mach prized. 383. Thegreat wcrke of an interpreter or mini('cer, is to flewman his uprightnefs, or how he may (landupright with God. 386 The interpreterfhsuldbevery tender towards troubled foules. 390 Innocency is our fofety. Zoo Infiruments, God can fornifh fuch as hecalleth to his worke, with gifts proper for their worke, 1 i2. why God ufeth inarttments. 584. God canworke without infiruments. 653 Injuilice,the fanfullnefs of it. 553,555 Infpiration ofGod what meant by it. 5 z The infpiration of God fufficientto gsali fae all ,men for all duties, and Ttttt with. I Idol's , how and why called terrible things. 189 Jealoufie, Vide fufpition. Ignorance. It is the duty of the moss knowing to confeffe their ignorance. 82o. Sins of ignorance needpardon. 820. Theywho have but little know- ledge, are little troubled at their ig- norance. 820 Imitation , It is not good to imitate any in what theydee ill. 98,99. Imita- tion ofGod is our holinefs, 706