if' HE TABLE. without that nothing CAP!. 55, 57 Seven ufefull inferences made from it '57, 5 8, 59 Interceffion o fChriff foies out our deli- verance. 411 John of Times, why fo called. 46 John, what itfignifieth, and why the Bap:iR was fo called, 392 Job, his innocency hada threefold reffi- mony. 205. Five things in favour ofhim, while he fpake fo much ofhis cone innocency. 205, 2o6. His pa- tience how to be con fidered. 242 Judges, it is abominable for them to doe unrighteous things. 55'3, 5 59 Judging , before we judge we muff heart diligently. 498. we ruff take time to judge ofthings. 504, 508 s Judgements of God mull needs be all right. 662. Vifible Judgements make fecret fins vifble. 687 Judgement taken two waves in Scrip- ture. 65,, 507. A threefold notion of Judgement in Scripture. 517. Judgement how it is taken from a man. 5.18 Julian, once agreat pretender to Chriffi- anity. 768 tuft,fome thinks they are juft enough, if theygiveman his right , though they deny God his right every day. 231, 232 Mice,' nothing fhauld weigh with us but trruth and right , and that in a fivefoldoppoftion.121. Juftice per- verted fiveways. 5 5 5. Poore things caufe men to pervert Juftice. 573. Sortie men are haters ofJuftice.6I 0. To {ate jui ice is a mode hateful! thing. 611. Juftice- haters are mofe unfit to be Governours. 613. The Jultice ofGod /hewed divers ways. 616. God will not allow any man a liberty to complaint of his Juftice. 674. God never wronged any man, 676. god doth Juftice upon fome fanners openly. 695. A threefold rea- fon ofit. 696 Juflification , wherein it cough. 17. Juftification ofourfelves two mayes; what lawful! , what unlawfull. 1$ JuPification an ai`I of abfolute free grace. 397 Juif13e, tojuftife our felves layeth us open to the reproo fe ofothers. 17. To juflifie is takenfours wayes in Scrip- ture. 17, 18. In two cafes a man may juftifie himfelfe. 18, 19. Five wayes'hewed wherein men juflifie themfelvesfinfully.21,22. HowGod is fayd to juftifie the ungodly. 22. To juflifie our felves rather then God, very blafjhemous. 23. when or how we may befayd to juflifie our felves rather then Clod. 24. Two on- ferences about this fin. 25, 26 Juifified perfons have confidence to lake up to God. 436. Such are righteous. 440. A juftified perfön , when and howhe may loofe the fight ofhis righ- teoufnefc, 441. when that fight re- turnes joy returns. 441 K Keepingaman back three waves. 3 26 Kings and Princes, It is moll uncomely andfinfull to revile them in word, 626.