Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

THE .TABLE. 626. ' JIs á degree of blafjohemy. Life of man in this life, at longefif,fhort. 627. tt ith what tendernefs (though 42. Several! divi ons of mans life. with plainnefs ) and by what rules 42. Life is thegift ofGod ; a three- the faults of Princes are to be re- fold inference from it. 171. The proved. 628, 629 life ofman is at the call of God, 592 Know, not toknow, taken three wages. Life and foule how they dif fer. 329 130. Thechorel frvants of God Life a great biding. 459 may be fhort of knowing ma,,y Light, tofee light, what it imports. 453 things, which it much concerns them Love, and to love, not to love God and to know. 817. We know but little good things isto hate them.611,6 i of thatwe know, and there is much, Love of God to many what and how which weknow not, 8 t 8 great is little knowne. 8i8 Knowledge , much knowledge fhould Lulls in the underflanding as flrong as be in chafe who have enjoyed much thole in thefenfnall appetite. 44 meanes of knowledge. 48. Know- Luther , Erafmus, Melanhon, their ledge ought to becommunicated. 49 different charmer. 6o. Luther, Knowledge or what we know is to how he thought himfilfe rebuked by be communicated. 72. Two things God. .99. Luther a man of great Ender force from communicating courage. i13. His prayer about two what they know. 72. What and things. 288. a sw heconfef edhim- whofe knowledgepuffeth up. 85. A fe f an Apoflate . 700 man of knowledge who properly. Ly, to deceive with a ly the worft de- 495. A twofold knowledge. 507 coot. 203 Sinning againfl the tight of know- ledge very finfull. 699. Know- le-'ge the fountaine offpeech. 842 Knowledge of God over all. 66o Vid: Omnifcience, L Law,bow it convinceth.80. Two wages of keeping the Law. 624. Law of god how written in the heart by Grace. 709 Lawes, bad Lawes, greatflares. '778 To lie, What itfgni fieth in Scripture. 5 22. To lie or beare falfe wttnefs againfl ourfelves is veryfinfull. 5 23 M Magi&rates, how theyfháuld be to men like Harbour to Ships. coo. why expreffed by the fame-word in the Hebrew which fgnifieth both bind- ing and healing. 609. god highly d.fpleafed when they mi f-governo a people. 78o Maker, Godis themaker ofall men in a threefold confderation. 132. It is good to remember God as oar maker. 1 3 3. God is the maker of our do- dyes 162. Three inferences from it. 164. That God is the maker of Tttttz all