Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

THE TABLE. all men, Mould make all men meeke one towards another. ' 74 MalefaEtors, their faces covered.. 748 Man and manare of a meaftere. t 82, 183. Two inferences from it. 183 Man afraile creature. 19,7 Many or one make no dfference with god. 731 Marius, what he was to the Romanes. 789 Meate, daintymeate, two cautions a- bout our ujing it. 348 Meeknefs,both inhearing and fpea!ing the word, hew neceffary. lot. It is good to ufe meeknefs towards all, e- fpeciaily the afflülted. 143, 189, 192.230 Mafchil, the title offame Ffalmes, what it ftgnifieth. 707 Men, not made by Clod all of a ranke. 625. All men are the workeof Gods hands in a twofold refpell. 633, All men divided in. to three forts by the Papifls in refett of their foule-(late. 813 Mercy, goddeclares himfelfemore en- clined to it,then to wrath and lodge- ment. 8.11 Method infpeaking how ufefull. 178 Mid-night trouble, what it fignifieth. 644 Mind of man, man wouldhavehis own -mind, vide will. MinifiersAmidfßeak as in Godsplead. 184. And are fo to be heard. 185 Their meeknefs in dealing with fouls. 192, 193. Miniaers are Melfen- gers. 37 2., Hew they should fpeak 373. Theyy ought to be heard,'and how becaufe Chriflslvfeffengers. 374 Vide Interpreter. Mighty men of three forts. 649. The mightiest met. have no might a- gaatsfl Cod. 652. God can easily o- verthrow the mightiefi men of the world. 68r, 682 Miniaery ofman nothing without God. 822 Mif-judging one another very common. Moderator, or composer of differences between others, foure things required in him. roi, 102 Moment, what it fgnifieth in Scrip- ture. 639 Mouth, the opening of the mouth im- ports foure things in Scripture. 149 Murderer, how hateful!. 400 Murmuring, no cause to murmure at any of the dealings of God, fhewed in foure things., 678 N Names, thegivingoffgniftcant names to children, veryof full. a. i, T2 Nations, god sometimeshideth his face from whole Nations. 739 Three things noted concerning Gods hiding hisface from a Nation. 740. What thole mifchiiefes and evilly are which throng in ufually upon a Nation, when Godhideth hisfacefrom them. 743. Obedience to. the Law,i fnoi universal,