Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

THE TABLE. is not obedience. 711, 712. Obe dience twofold , takes in the whole duty ofman. 792 Obfainate perlons net to be further dealt with. 7.. They muff be left to God. o Qccafion, God loveth to fee occafion éf doing good tomen. 446 Occaficins, to fee/ei occafions a,gainf o- thers a great piece of unchèitable- nefs. 21o. How to doefa is againff the lawof love, fhewed by fevenfleps. 2I1, 2I2,. 213. It is afgne that we locke upon a man as an enemy, when wefeel`e occafions apinghim. 221 Old age doth not make men wife. 65, 66. Spirit of God not tyed to any age. 66 Old men, a twofoldrampofGodupon them. 38. Old men elegantly cal-, led men of dayes. 45, 46. How old men jhouldfpeak, 46. Old men have reafon to be wifer then the young. 48. Old men fhould beapt to teach. 49. 'Tùa reproach to old men to be ignorant. . 49 Otniffton-fins, or the neglett ofdoing a_ duty eafaer to be obferved then fail- ings in doinga duty 819 Omnifcience of God, caution from it. 226. Cod knoweth all our goings. 569.. The eaeaftnefs of Gods know- ledge ofal things. 66o. Theever- laflingnefs and univerfality ofGods knowledge. 661, 662. Five infe- rences from it. 662.t0 665 Once, takdrthree wayes in Scripture. 266, 267 Opinion,our opinion or what we hold is to be fhewed, andhow. 72. Nine honeft ends in !hewing our opinion. 2 Oppreflion cryeth, though the oppref- fed doe not. 718, 719. Oppreffion will caufe a cry. 720. Cry of the oppreffedbrings vengeance uponop- , preffors. 723 Oracles of the devil doubtful. 16o Ordinances of worfliip, why called the face of God. P' 431 Pardon, Ged pardoneth greatefi fins. 236. Free grace extendeth to the pardonef the worfifinners.451.Par- donof fin,proper to God. 805. How man isfeyd to forgive or pardonhim that bath wronged or offended him. 805. The pardoning grace of God` is bouudleffe.. 8o6. Cod pardoneth prefently,.endcontinually. Cey7. Par- don takes fin offrom its. 8o8. Par- don isfree, not clogg'd with hard termes. 809. God will never defiroy any,whom he bath pardoned. 812 - Pardon offin takes array two things. 813. Pardon of fin is a precious. mercy, !hewed upon forare grounds, 814. The confideration ofGods reo dinefs to_pardonfan,, fhould make us refolved not to fin. 815 Palion , we muff not anfwer nor reprove' with paffion, but with realm. roe Patienceprovoked turnes to greatenpaf- fon. 4o. Patience of God towards 'inners.. 466 Peace