THE TABLL. Peace of nations, the fpectall gift of God. 73 3, That peace confidered two wages. 733. If God will give peace to nations .none careflop it.735 Three f its ofmen mofi likely to doe it cannot. 736. Two reafons why not. 736, 737. A wonder that the peace or our Nation is continued, pure confderations why. 738, 739. Peace of particular perfons twofold from God, 748. Peace perfonal of believers, how it comes from the Father, Son, and Spirit. 749. The peace of believers how an tnfteparalle peace. 750. Two de- monftrations of it. 75 a. Peace of believers in what fenfe perfeEl 753 .How we are tenants at wid for oar peace with refpecT to God. 756, Peace, holding our peace, orHence, what tt mayfgmfe, 478. A two- fold holding of oar peace. 479 In three cafes efpecially we !boa 'd bold our peace. 480. It is agreat poynt ofprudence to know, when to hold our peace. 8 a People troubled and in a tumul481 de- fcribed, 647) 643 Perfetion, three realms why God calls au to ir, though we cannot attaire it in this lie. Peri(hing, two f ld, 59° Perfeverance is our deft or our worfi. 828 Phantafie, the power of it in fleepe. 28 0 Pir, and del:'verancefrom it,what. 457 Prince, what they ought to be, 624 Promiíeä of God alwayes performed. 676 Provocation, dot, not excufe, yetfome- what abatea ,1', committed, 2 o6 Pharii i Snechert m. r why, fo called ' 766 Phocas, thepros er of a good man a- bout him, how or ¡a'ered, Poore men of two fifts. 631. Poore men are asmuch the wirke of God as the r'ch. 633. It is the Lord who makes men poore or rich. 634 The fait of a poore man optìeffed maker a loudcry. 7 zr, what cryes of poore menare not .heard by God, 722. 'Tis dangerous needling with gods poore,. 2 Pope , hr: orear 4eate put upon the world 67 Pow in power caution'd, 584, 8 P i "'es and people, their fins produce sia . aall ifl eet7s towards one ano- tlser, 784 Pros- unes , how the fweetnefs of the gofeel lyeth in them. 8 Prayer, good things muff be asked f God 57. Endeavour mug bejoyned with prayer. 58. There arebat two re/irilioxs upon thegrant of what- foever we pray for. 048. Prayer, how a battailefought in heaven,178 Strong prayer. 422. Sichnefs is a frreciall f afon for prayer. 423. God only the object ofprayer. 424. We mutt aslemercy if we would have it. 424, The Lord is ready to /mare and givewhen wepray.4 25. Till the perfon is accepted, his prayer is not, 428. Length of prayer not gap- proved by Chri ft, If other things be right.