THE TABLE. right, 763. We muff pray for the removing of our af iaion , while we beareit ehearefully. 794 Pride, man naturally proud. 83. God hideth pride from man two wayes. 304. Pride, why putfor all (in. 30 5 t/lan very prone to pride. 306 Pride Thews itfelfe three wayes.3o6 Eleven things named of which men are proud. 307, 308. Fite conceits as fo many rooter of pride difcovered. 311, 312. Pride is a vile and odi- ous fn , (hewed upòn fix confderati- ons. 313, 314. Great, wife, and rich men moll fubjeCt to pride. 316 Pride thegreatefi fin forfeure rea- fons. 316. God by various meanes gives check, to pride. 317. Foote pride-fubduing confiderations. 3 r 8 Seven meanes to cure man of pride. 320, 321 Proteaion from fin the heft prorebbi- on. 200 Proud men, fcornfull and contentious 537 Property, oar property to any thing makes us love it the more. 849 Providence a continuedcreation. 165 Not to confider the worl¿es ofprovi- dence, is the marke of an ungodly man. 715 Punithment of fin in this life is not e- quall tofin. 452. Humbled inners cosofeffe their greateft punilhments leffe then their fin. 453. The ja- flice of God in his punifhments fbewed feven wages, 617. wicked Thai/ not be unpunished. 663. No man ever punned by god beyond defert. 676, 677,67R Purpofes ofevill, man is veryforward to them. 292. vntill Gad withdraw him, he will got on in them. 300 Five wayes by, which God withdraw.. eth men from evill purpofes. 301 It is agreat mercy to be hindred to evill purpo es. 302. Q. Qeflions, which are unprofitable, 44 . zietnefs ofthe deadand living,what. 725. Q41.ietnefs oppofed to warre. Vide Peace. 73 2. R Ranfome , who and what our ranfome is. 405, 406. The deliverance of inners by a ranCome is the invention of God, 407. God is to be highlyho- nouredfor this invention. 409. That we are ranfomed fhould mind as of five things. 41 3 Reafon, we ought to heart reafon who- foever fpeakes it. 71 Rebellion, when a fin may be called rebellion. 857 Redemption, thebenefit of it fet forth twowages. 4 ':5P Repentance, a true), penitent pertn is refolutea%,aia 1;n, S`6. Continu- ance in any l<norene fn is inconfiflenv wseh,trsse rensnt: nce. 827 Reproofe, there mutt be proofe before there can be rep;core. 79. Nega- tive reproofesmore ert //e then affir- mative. 229 Reproofe to be rem pe; e'