Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

To the Chriftian Reader. Ehhu i3 .,:roduced by the pen-man ofthis bootie in a great paon , both with Job andhis three friends,andhe gives us an account why he was in fucha beate ofpaffionwith both(chap: 3 a. ) Thenwaskindled the wrathof Elihu;againft Job was his wrath kindled , becaufe he bad juflified himfelfe rather then God. Alfo againft his three friends was his wrath kindled , becaufe they had found no anfwer, and yet had condemned Job, It remaines therefore, that Elihu was the man, zuhofound an anfwer in this great difficulty and yet condemned not Job. And indeed he condemned him not (as hisfriendshad done) as a man imper- fe5l &-crooked in his wayes,as a man that feared not Clod&efchewednot evili,In orfor thefe things Elihu didnet condernne Job,thoughhis wrath was kindled againft him : he condemnedhim onlyfor this,becaufe be complainedfo much of thefeverity ofGods dealings with him, andfo, byconfequence juftified himfelfe rather thenGod. And in that poynt or for that fault he(paredhint not,but repro. ved him asJharply and condemned him as deeply as hisfriends haddone uponother and thofe(moft ofthem) undue and infoffcient grounds.Thus we readhis cenfure ofhim ( chap : 34. 35. yob bath fpoken without knowledge, and his words were without wifdome. Andagaine (chap; 35. ¡6. ) There.