T H E Í 3 R p k. Bred with meekneffe. 230. Re- proofes fhould begiven with plain- ne s. 2 o. e roof 6 e to be taken with humble H g ence. 549. A good man will rake reproofe with pati- ence. Refurre6ion, fhadorves of it. 420 Revenge, the higheft aas of revenge from Godare but the awards of ja- fice. 92 Rewarding, ifthe Lordfhould not re- ward thofe that ferve him, he were unrighteous. 5 6. Righteous (hall net be unrewarded. 663 Rewards both good and evill, Inch as menarc, andaccording to what they doe. 438. what God renders toman according to his worke is called a re- ward in afoure`old refpeît. 56o Rich and poore men oftwo forts. 631 What rich men are not,what are re- garded by God more then thepoore. 632. How men make themfelves, and how God makes them rich. 634 Right, what it is. 448. what it is to pervert right. 448 Righteous, there are threeforts of righ- teous perfns. 4. How a man in a goodfence may be righteous in his owne eyes. 5. How being righteous in oar owne eyes, is hatefnll both to God and good men. 8. A juflifaed perfon is righteous. 440 Rióhteoufnefs , how it delivers from death. 403. Righteoufnefs twofold. 437. why thefame word in the He- brew is ufed to fagnife Almes and righteoufnefs. 437. Righteoufnefs how it cannot be le. 439) 440. Se- 846 TABLE. vend forts of righteoufnefs. 514 Meltdangerous tobe proudofor truft to our owne righteoufnefs. 516 Running with God, and in the mayen of his commandements, what it im- plyeth. 544 S Scorners are the werftfort ofmen.5 36 Scorning two wa es taken. 534 Seales, a threefold ate offealing. 294 Sealing ofinflruEtion what it as. 294 295 Senators, why fo called. 37 Seafon to be obfervedfor fpeaking. io Such fpeake tomiff advantage.i o8 Seafon, to hit aright feafon offpeak¿- ing very advantageous. 36. Seafon, the danger ofneglellieeg aí.268,269 Selle-love , abadglaffefor anyman to feehimfelfe tn. 311 Service of God, to account it unprofi- table, howfanfull. S46 Shadow ofdeath, what it fgnifaeth in Scripture. 667 Shew-bread, why fo called. 43 5 Sick perlons fhould be wifely mindedof death. 361. They fhould pray and defreprayers. 423. A lick man be- ing recoveredfhould report the good- nefs ofGod to him. 445 Sicknes, three exprefonsgradually fet- ting it forth. 336. Sicknefs comes not by chance,nor onlyfrom naturall caufes. 341. Sickneis brings downe the ftrongefl men. 342. Severall ends for which God fends ficknefs. 343, 344. In ficknefs, all creature-