THE TABLE. comforts arevaine and tafilefs to us. 347. Sicknefs brings great decay upon the body. 3 51 , 352. Sicknefs, in what fen fe called a [pending time. 356, Sicknefs makes a wonderful) change in man. 358, Sicknefs neere the grave ; three inferences from it. 361, 362. Other cautions from the nature of ficknefs. 367, 368. Sight, twofold. 816 Silence , or holding our peace , Vide peace. Sincereperfuns doe not of fe&E to befeene. 770 Sin, to fay we have no fin, how ex- treamly finfull it is, fleewed in foure thins. 202 , 203. That floored further. 515. Sin, three things in it. 31. How man is finned againfi, Clod only finned againfi properly. 267. all fin reducible to three heads. 198. Sin a defefiion from God. 198. Sin is a defilement. 199. Sin a hurtful thing , three wayes. 201. Every fiep in fin is afiep to miEery. 33i What fin is. 448, 450, Sinpretends tobring inprofit to the faner. 4 54. Nogood can begotten 6y fin. 455. Sin is ex- ceeding dangeroose and defirullive. 455 Sinners /hall confeffe at lafl, there is no profit in fin. 456. The heart firongly fet to fin. 472) 473. Themore eafilyany man finneth,the greater is hit fin. 53.7. Sins of o- thers,bow they may become ours.;6 2 Sin =pardoned agreat burden , yet by fomeunfelt. 809. We have many unknown! fins. 818. A godly man desires God would Phew him bis fins. 824. godly man may live free fromgroffefins. 826. Sin, confide- red three wayes. 827. A godly man may commit fin after tin, but he loth not adde fin to fin. 828. headditi- on offin to fin agreat and mofi dan.. germs tic). 830. To fin rebellioufly, what. 856. Whena fin maybe cal- led rebellion , [hewed infoure things. 857, 858. 'Ts the burdenofagod- lyman to fin , and 'tishis care not to fin. 858, 859 Sinners would but cannot hide them- felves either from the eye or reveng- ing hand ofGod. 669,670. Sinners would hide themfelves upon a twofold account. 670. Foure things upon which finners think! themfelves hid fromGod 672, 67 3 Sirnames or titles oftwo forts. 126 Sleepe, what it is. 280. Three words in the Hebrew fignifying íleepe. 284 SoveraigntyofGod (heated. 255, 8 3 9 Man is never difpleafed with what God loth , till he forgets what hins- felfe is. 840. Soveraignty of God, in a lifting themafi innocent perfon. 515. The Soveraigntyofgod'hew- edin five things. 580. Three infe- rences from it. 581. God bath an abfolute power to pull down! and fet asp whomhe pleafeth. 683 Soule of man why called the breath of the Almighty. 169. The foule flowed) immediately from God.169, 170, 594. Three inferences from it. 170: Spule, put for the whole mai.. Vuuuu 35' 9