Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

TETE TABLE. Speaker, he that fpeaketh is at thel mercyof his hearers. 5 30 Speaking, twofold. 46. 'Tis verypain- full not to fpeake in Tome cafes. 114 .fie that fpeaketh his mind, eafeth his mind, 116. The right end of fpeaking. 116; To neglevi (peaking whereduty calls very dançrerous.I i7 fourfold confideration is to be had of what we fpeake. 149. We fhould firft try and ta,%l what we are about to fpeake. 152. Three forts who fpeake amiffedoblrinally. 156, 157 ,-low or when God is fayd to fpeake. 264. Several! wages of Gods fpeak- ing to man. 265 Speech, they who have mfl ability are ufually mollfaring of fpeech. 45 Spirit, often taken for, the foule ofman, 51. Spirit of God free, not tyed to age nor to any order of men. 66,67 Spirit, an"impofing Spirit how bad. 193. Spirit of God mightily over- powers fine men both to doe and fpeake. I 14. Why our malting is attributed to the Spirit. 162. The Spirit of God is God. 165. Eight reafons from Scripture proving that the holy Ghofl is Cod. 165,166, 167,168. The Spirit fupplyes the abfence ofChri fl in the Church. 685 Spirituali things are not underflood by a.. ratura.11or unregenerate usan. 275 Two reafons of it. 276. They ,that are fpirituall doe not alwayes per- ceive fpirituall things. 277. Three grounds of it. 277i 278 Ssrivin. ,foure folddefcribed. 243. Man is apt to (},i vewith god, 248, nitre wayes fheroed in which man íiriveth with cod. 249. Striving with God very uncomelyandfinfull,2 5o. Stri- ving with God a prefumptuous fin, 25i. Striving with God an irratia- nall thing, 252. Striving with God oftwo forts. 255, 2 5 6. Seven con- fîderationc why wefhould not fi'rive with God. 258. Sevenprefervatives againfi (}rivingwith God. 259,260 i hree things to be /lriven with, 26 a Submiffion with Hence to the will of Godalwayes aduty. 479 Sufferings, we may not will our fuffer- ings , though we mull fuller witi. lingly' 793 Sufpitior, agodly man fufoe6Is dim- felfe, that be is worfe and bath done worfe then heknows by himfelfe. 82 5 Sword,. put for all violent calamities. 330 T Talent, not to be hid. 72,, I OS Teachers, fhouldbe leaders. 489- Teaching of God twofold. 821. God only can teach effeîlually. 82r. We fhould pray andwait for the teach- ings ofGod, 823 Teachablenefs,or a willingnefs to learn, fheroes an humble and gracious rit. 823 Threatnings , it is good to thinl¿e of them. 139 Tongue,he bath agreat command over his fpirit , that can command his tongue. 208. Tongue an unruly member. 547 Trou -.