THE TABLE. Troubles, Moth nationall and perfonall at the commandofGod. 644 Trou- bles overtake many when they leafi expel 645 Truth muff be held and held to in all cafes. 121. Cleare truth fhotsld be fpoken. 158. we fhouldfpeake truth clearely. 159. Truth to be main- tainedwith allowmight. 179. A good manfetks not vihtcry but truth. 487. Wefheuldgrow up into highefi confidences about the truth. 569. whyfume truths are andought tube often repeated. 575, 572 Tryall, wordpreached to be tryed be- fore it be received. 502. Tryall of twoforts. 85o. A perfon tryed may be trolled. 851. Tryall by of li/i- on. 85 2 Turning back fromGod, how finners doe fo. 700. Three forts of them, who turne back,from God. 700,701 Row fame goodmen, and howall un- regenerate men turnebackfromGod. 705. The whole life ofa perfen un- regenerate is a turning from God, 703 Twice, confideed three wayes. 270 Twice, thrice, what it implyeth. 464 V Vanity ofall earthly greatnefs. 685 Vi1on ofGod in this life , what it is. 432 Vì(tation or vifiting a threefold fenfe or aft of it. 575 Unbciiefe a j7rivinq with God. 249 linbeliefe is the roote of Apetacy, 704 Underf}anding ofman taken two wayef . 52. Cod can fern ifh the weakefl man with muchwifdome andunder- (landing. 61. In what fenfe every man hath not an underf}andina. 6oz, 604. Three attributes of the underfaanding. 6o3. Only a fpiri- tuall underf}anding can receivefpi- rituall things. 604, 6o 5. what we heart wefheuld labour to underf}and. 605 Unity among the Saints, thegreat ar- gument moving to rt. 175 Vocation an nib ofabfolute free grace. 397 Uprightnefs ofheart in fpeaking, fland- ing in a threefold oppofzton. 153 Uprighrn-fs of man what it is, and how fhewtd him. 384, 385. Many good men fee not their awneupright- nefs. 38ç. what the uprightnefs ofourfiate is, and what the upright- nefs of our life fhewed. 386, 387. Caution to illiniflers "about (hewing man his uprightnefs. 389 W Waiting on man, in threecafes necef- fary. 35. Waiting imports three things. 74 Walkingwith God, what. 539, 706, 7o7. Walking as man, what. 539 Warnings, Gadgratioufly gives them once and agame. 270. we, have no ground to expellfrequent warnings. 271. No man- knoweth how oft he (ball be warned. 272. Warnings by words being neeleïled, blames fol- low, 339. Thepunifhments ofothers V t+ u u u 2 fhoald