Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

THE TABLE. fhould be our warnings. 697.698 Water, to drinke iniquity like water, what it fgnifieth. 5 36 Wayes ofa man twofild, 657, Wayes ofGod twofold, 707. Wayesof God not regarded by wicked men. 713 Not to confider the wayes of God a greatfin. 713 Wicked men, they who doe like the wicked, (hall be dealt with by god as wicked men. 693. The fame wordfignifies to be wicked, to con- demne and trouble , why. 726. A goodman may inforce things and at fume times all and fpeake like a wic- ked man. 85 5. Every man natu- rally is wicked, yea a man of wick ednefs 8 5 5 Will,man path not only a weaknefr,but a wound in his will. 278. The will of man is naturally bent againfl the wayesofGad. 709, 710. Will more then the aklion alone, 544. 7'he will of a natural' man is weake againfl the doing of eviil, and for the doing ofgood. 827, Two proper ails ofthe will. 834. elan would have all thingsgot according to his will. 8,35 That man wouldhavehis will, (hew ed in foure things. 836. The fin - fullnefs of de/ïring things to be after our mind er will, (hewed by a three- fold cvillffring ofit. 837. The ab- forrdity of defiring to have our will, 838.. God will not give man his will. 839 Wife, a man wife in his crone eyes, hard tobe reduced. 4. Greatnefs of birthor place canmakeno man wife. 63. None are fe wife but they may learne more wifdome, 490, 497. Nothing is worth the learning butmares us tritely wife. 490, wife man how dit.,'inguifhed from a man 9fknowledge. 49 5. The wife will heare as well as ffeake, 496, Wifdome twofold. 47, Wifdomemolt probably to befound in oldmen, 47,. 48. Wifdome or underflanding is thegift of gad. 5 3. Man apt tobe proud of that which he calls wif- dome. 85. what that wifdomewas which our firfi parents fought. 86 Two reafons whythere isfucha temp- tation in wifdome to pride. 86, 87 True wifdome conffls chiefly in two things. 489, 490. Spirituall wif- dome is thebet 'On. 491, Wif- dome is the favory knowledge of things. 500. The beginning of true wifdome, 607 Wifh, howwefhouldbe and doe accord- ing to the with of others. 18 Witnefs, to beare falfevvitnefs againfl our felves veryfinfull;; 523 Word of God isfittedfor allforts and frzes ofmen. 497, They who turne from the word of God, turne from God himfelfe, 704. The not mind- ing of the word of God, is the caufe ofall wickednefs. 710,711 Words,flrayning ofwords,of two forts. 16. Words well meant may fume- times juflly fall under an ill inter- pretation, 27. Wordsfhouldbe well weighed before they be uttered. 76 Words acceptable to befought, what they