Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

44:4;44 fotif+,rT,f1094?!;14A `?!á +'ba.ef,fi,,Csaaxa° a#Fa.s:al:s'G'>?ar, sT't`imi T s rl'riKkFr¢cSt iáröitr$%á rVi`iT$fifii`a riië'7itri' ra rit A TABLE OF Thofe Scriptures which areoccafonally cleered , and briefly illufrated in the fore-going EXPOSITIONS. The Firft Number direás to the Chapter, The Second to the Verfe, the Third to the Page of the BOOK s. Chap. Verf. Page. Chap. Verf. Pages Chap. Verf. Page. 25. 21. 421. 25. 10,17, 21. 406. Genefis. 33. 10. 729. 25. 3o. 435. 39. 22. 463. 32. 23. 299, 3 17 475^ 42. 16. 88. 34. 6, 7. 81o. 4. 10. 721. 44. 17. 554 4. 13 804. Leviticus. 6. 3. 468,171 Exodus. 6. 5. 658. 10. 1, 2, 3. 86z. 6. 6. 8. 39z. 12,13.350,328. 4. 7. 10,11. 23. 57. 588. 19. 32. 37, 6. 17 595. 12. 23. 362. Numbers. 18 25.571a559)554. 16. 21. 181. 24?. 5, 6, 298. 23. 20. 371. 1. _ 34. 215. Chap.