Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v10

üJ 78 Chap. p. An E.vpaftion upon the Book of ] o E. serf t t. found, was, They had not refuted fobs affertion. As if he had fid, Te have f of ut mach, but upon the matter havedone little. I waited, & Iattcnded,expeîtinggreat thingsfromyou,but Ihave in decei For having taken out thefrength and fùbfante, thefpirtts andguinteffencè ofyour fseech, I findnothing coming up, either toa conviction offob, as faulty an matter offaa, nor toananfwer ofdime, as defePtive inmatter ofargument. So that when Ihave laydall that ye havefp^ken in the bat'la,,ce, it we; hes too light, job is tour match, yea,he bathover-matcht you. Behold , there is none ofyou that convinceth job, The Hebrewword- which we here tranffare to convince, an fivers the Greeke in the New Teflament,which is al':o cranílated, s,aaxtir,,, Toreprove or convince. And both the Hebrew and the Greek, carry a threefold íi ification. Firíl , to prove, or to make goodwhar is affirmed , either firfl by reafon and argument, or, fecondly, by tell-it-pony and authori- ty. When fuch proofes and reafons, such teftimonies and autho- rities are brought in, as a man can make no excep.tiòns againff, or cannot evade nor reply to, then he is convinced. The Apoflle ¢%' fianceof things hoped for,hand the evidencef(orconvíc}ion )u 1 of things notfeene. The Spirit of Godmakes convict ion before faith a&s. He brings fuch proofes , fuch cleare evidences, that though the thing be not feene, yet the foule fitsdown convin- ced, that it is fo, as fully as if we had feene ir. The greateP con- vi&ion wehave tobelieve,is from authorityand teflimony ; yea, that's properly and only faith, when we confent to a thing upon the teflimony and authorityof another. Secondly , The word figni`:fes to reprove, or rebuke with fi,syyer. words.. ( Math: i 8. t g. ) Moreover, if thybrother fhalltrefpaffe aga'nfi thee, got and,tell him of his fault. To reprove a man, is i Firf to tell him of his fault, and then roblame him for it. Every mans fault muff be clearelyproved , before he can be jufflÿ re- proved. Thus the Baptif+ reproved Herod (Luke ;. tg.) And becaufe Light troves, therefore it alto reproves (3ohn 3. so. ) Every one that dab evil, hate h the ight, neither cometh to the light, left his deeds fould be reproved. The fame word is ufed (Eph: 5. r i.) Have nofellowfhip with the ttnfruitfnll works of dark-.