Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

Chap, 3 ç. efiv Expoftiost (Tm the look of Jo : Verf. 14. 99 half finned)Thole words are fupplyed tamakeup the fenfe,asbe- n ingthe bringing. in ofafurther chargeigainf}fob) I ;; this alfo pe'ca!li) ti& (thouhalt finned) that thouhaftfaid, thon [halt net fee him ; judge. critiif re :=on therefore thy felfbefore him , and lookfor him. This is the mu tvr ontt pta;u- of his new charge , Thou haft laid , thou [halt not fee him , t hir`is rant eon; :- thy in;. And having given him this charge, Elihu gives'him coup- dica(te j co- f 7 razz es, t ex- fel according to thistranflation in the dole of the verle , fudge pe£),t eum. therefore thy felfbefore him, and loolofor him. We fay inour tran Pife: flation, fud ement it before him, that is, before God; this tranfla- tion faith, Judge thy felf before him; and the reafon of it is be- caufe fome take the word here as a Noune , others as a Verb of Áliqui ;111,0 the Imparative mood; fudge thyfelfbefore him , and then loop t9 nomine expo him, or troll in him ; fhat is, thou hail failed greatly, and finned runr, Judicium in raking upfuch a Conclufion as this,that thou (halt not fee God, ail', pro à 1 era t imp ( the fenfe of which I (hall open when I come to our own tran- 1.1 o modi ; 7u- flation) therefore I advise thee to judge thy felf thoroughly, and dics, Priem humbly to acknowledge thy fault. This tranflationis:much in- filled npon, and because it bath a profitable fenfe, I (hall note two or three poynts from the latter part of the verse , where it dir'fers from ours, and then proceed to our own Translation. job being charged with fin for Paying, that he shouldnot fee God, is here advifed to judge,himfelf, fudge thy felf, and look,to, or truft in hire, Hence Note ; It it our duty to judge our felines, And 'cis a great Gofpel duty : The Apeflle gives it in plain words, (a Cor. t a. 3 t.) Ifwe wouldjudge ourfelves, we fhould Not be fudged of the Lord. We are very apt to judge one another, but very backward to judge our felves. It is a great work to erect a Tribunal ( as I may fay ) in our ownSouls and Consciences, to fit in Judgement upon our felves;which that we may do,we molt do there three things. Firfl, we muff fend Summonsto our felves, we muff cite our felves to our ownTribunal ; for al ayes before Judgement, Summons muff go out and be fent to the 'parry of- fending :Here we are to fend Summons to our felves, that is, to call together all the powers of our fouls to appear in this Judge- ment, and anfwer what is or may be ailedged againff us. And when we have Summoned our felves, then secondly, Yee are to 0 2 examins,