Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v11

ace Chap. 3 S. an E.rpefetion upon the Book of J o s. Vert t4. examine, fearch, and try our felve', (Lam. 3.4r.) Let asfearch and tryoar wages, and turnagain lento the Lord. Thirdly, having tryed and examined our felves , before we can come to Judge- ment ( that Judgement which is here intended ) we mutt hum- ble our felves under a Cunvre`îion of our own vilenefs and finful- nefs,whether of our nature or of our a6tions, whether ofour (late or of our way ; for whereas there are two parts of ,Judgemenr, Abfelution and Condemnation ,we cannever come to that part of Judgement, the judgingofour felves, as perfona worthy ro be condemned by the Lord for our fins, unlefs we arc hill convin- ced of our tins. Now when we have fummoned, examined, and convicted our (elves, then we are ready to judge our felves, to judge our felves even wich the judgement of condemnation, re- fpectingwhat we have done, yet we Ihouid do it ( with hopes of abfolution) a&ing our faith upon the free grace and mercy of God through the fatisfaóionwhich Jefus Chrifi hath made for us. Again, The fcope of this counfel, or the reafonwhy Elihu ad- vifeth job to judge hitarfelf, was toPhew, that hehad ralht)/ jud- ged of the wayes of God, becaufe he had not duly judged him- felf. Hence Note ; Self-judging, or judging ourown doings , wM prefcrve tae frono rafh judging the doings anddealings ofGod withus. We trail never think God deals harfhly, or rigoroufly with us, if we do but enter intoand pafs a right judgement uponour own fouls. As they that judge themfelves (hall not be judged of the Lord, (t Car, t t. 3 r.) fo, they that judge themfelveswill ne- ver judge the Lord ; tao, they will acquit and jufii;e the Lord under all his proceedings, even in his fort fl and feverefi ore'. Thus did Sara in reference to thafe great and unparalei'd futfer- ingsof the ewes in the Babylonian wart. and captivity, ( Chap. 9. a 3.)Tbon our God haft puniffedue lefs than our in,a,u;ties deferve. And fo did Danicl(Chap. 9.7. ) 0Lord, rigbteoeefnefs belongeth ante thee, but untoue confafon offaces, as at this day. Further,Elibee concluded jobvery much .alfeeted with,or high- ly conceited of himfelf, becaufe he pleaded his own innocency or integrity fo much, and was fo defirous tocome to a hearing, and have hismatter tryed before God ;and therefore faith he, 3'udge 47 [elf. Hence