ioz Chap. 3S. 4nE,xpoftioaupon the Book. of Jos. Verf. 144 do more than intimate and imply, that he had faid, he fiould not fee God. And we may conceive that Ehhu aimeth at that paifage fpecially ( Chap. 23. 8, 9.) whereYob feems to fay This thing; Behold, I go forward, but be is not there, and backward, but I can- not perceive him; on the left handwhere he doth work, but I cannot beholdhim ; he hidethhimfelf on theright hand, that I cannotfie him. Now, Elihugives anfwer in this r4thverle, (hewing, that although God would not give him a prefent hearing upon his im- portunate call for ir, yet he might rift a(fured , that Godwould do him j , and therefore advifeth him quietly to rell upon him. Although thou fayeft thoufhalt not fee him , or (anti not fee him, yet _judgement is before him , therefore craft thou in him. In that 23d Chapter,job made a fad complaint, that though he much folici.ted and defired to fee God (in what fenfe I (hall open pre- fently) pet he could not beadmitted, he could not find him, nor come near him ; I (faith he) cannot perceive him, I cannot behold him, Icannot fee him ; we have all there words negatively expref- fd there ; as here , Although thou fayeft thou fhalt not fee, (or contemplate) him. There is a two-fold fight of God ; Firft, immediate,or in him- Pelf ; and thus God is feen onlyby himfelf, andof himfelf, to all others he is invi(ible , No eye bathfeen him, nor can fee him, (i Tim. 6. 16.) The Lord toldMofes, Noman can fee my face and live ; that is, no man can fee me immediately, no man can have any ocular fight of me, as we fee thofe things that are be- fore us ; God is aSpirit, and therefore invifible. Jobdoth not complain, (in this fenfe ) that he could not fee God,for he knew God was not to be feen, nor did he wait for any fuch corporal view or fight or prefence ofGod. Secondly, There is a mediate fight of God, and that by a three-foldmeans Pirfi, in or byhis Word; for that is one glafs wherein we behold him. Secondly, there is a fight of God in his. Works,they are another glafs where- in we fee and hehold him ; and thofeworks are twov fold ; Firft, the works of Creation, in themwemayfee or contemplate God all the world over, in hispower, wifdome, andgoodnefs, (Rim. t 19, 20. ) Secondly, his worksof providence, ordering and dif- pofing all the motions of the creatures, as himfelf pleafeth, how much foever any of their motions are difpleafing unto him. Thus we may fee God in his works, that is, it is feen by his works, nor only